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Posts Tagged ‘Ramadhan End

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Farewell O Ramadhaan ! Short Beautiful Poem ! 

As you take leave of us, we sadly say:
“Farewell 0 month of Ramadan.”

As you take leave of us, we sadly say:
“Farewell 0 month of Kindness.”

As you take leave of us, we sadly say:
“Farewell 0 month of High status.”

As you take leave of us, we sadly say:
“Farewell 0 month of Salvation.”

As you take leave of us, we sadly say:
“Farewell 0 month of Divine Integrity.”

When this month of fasting arrives, all
true believers become ecstatic.

They all say in one voice: “We shall all
enjoy worshipping our Creator Most High
with consistency.”

The true believers are overjoyed at the
arrival of this month, their hearts
becoming filled with the invocation of the
Almighty’s name.

They free themselves from wrongful
innovations and infidelity.

You are on your way and they all profess
their sadness.

Oh! Alas! How negligent we have been. Oh
woe unto us! We have lost forever, the
benefits of this auspicious month.

Alas! Alas! We have been blessed to meet
with you, 0 month of Divine Light, after an
entire year. Every heart is abounding in the
remembrance of the Creator, Most High.

Day in and day out, Divine Light descends
on us in the days of your visit. Because of
you, the true believers were joyous
continuously. You are now taking leave,
and they are all feeling a sense of grief.

Oh illuminating month, you are truly a
month full of strange bounties.
The Creator Most High is pleased with the
true believers.

You are making every heart your captive.
Loving you is an experience on its own.
How is it at all possible for us to calculate
your status?

You have brought the pleasure of the
Almighty Creator on us.

The sounds of Taraawih could be heard everywhere.
We were avid in our worship day and

You were so full of strange bounties, O
month of good qualities.

Every true believer’s heart, La’l, was alive
because of you dear month of Ramadan.

Why should we not lament your departure?

May the Creator Most High show us your grace again, quickly. 

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What After Ramadhaan?

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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most graciousEnd of Ramadhaan 2011 – Issues Related to Eid ! 

Asslam Wa’layekum Warahamtullahe Wa’barakatu Brothers and sisters!

All Praises be To Allah, The month of Ramdaan finally came to end,

We are leaving this blessed month of Ramadan, its beautiful days and its fragrant nights. We are leaving the month of the Qur’an, taqwa, patience, jihad, mercy, forgiveness and freedom from hellfire…

Let’s ask our self; Have we fulfilled the requirements of taqwa and graduated from the Ramadan school with the diploma of the god-fearing? Have we fought our souls and desires and defeated them, or have we been overtaken by our customs and blind imitations?  Have we performed our actions in a way that fulfills the conditions for receiving mercy, forgiveness and release from the Fire?

We hope this Ramadan increased us in emaan and taqwa, we wish and pray May our acts of worship multiply abundantly. May we increase in righteous actions, and do good deeds sincerely for Allah Alone, and remain steadfast for the whole year, May our character become beautified, may our hearts become connected upon this haqq and we fulfill each others rights with happiness, May we be saved from the punishment of the fire, and enter Paradise, ameen. May Allah forgive us of our sins and have mercy on us all, May He the most high accepted our worships and prayers, Ameen!

Below You Will find Best Collection of Eid Related Articles, Sunnahs and Etiquette of Eid, Questions Related to Eid Prayers and so on. 

What’s Eid-ul-Fitr

 Ettiquettes of Eid

 Sunnah’s of Eid

 Ruling on Eid Prayer

 Guidance of Prophet Muhammad PBUH about Eid Prayer

 Description of Eid Prayer

 Can Woman Go out for Eid Prayers

 Mistakes Made on EID

 Fasting 6 days of Shawwal

Last Reminder of Ramadhaan, DO Not forget to Pay your Zakat-ul-Fitr Before Eid Prayer ! 

Ramadan Reminder :: Pay Your Zakat To Needy!

21 Common Misconceptions about Zakah

Difference between Zakat-ul-Fitr and Zakat-ul-Maal

Issues Related To Zakat-ul-Fitr

8 basic errors while Paying Zakat-ul-Fitr

Obligatory Charity After Ramadan 

Ramadan Reminder :: Zakah 8 Recipient

What is Zakah :: Whom should You Pay?

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