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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Your Temporary Visa Will Expire Soon ! [Special Islamic Reminders]

The nature of this world’s creation is such that it is temporary; therefore, it can only offer a temporary visa to anyone who enters and resides within it. For this reason an appointment is binding upon every single individual who has had a soul breathed into him or her while s/he was in his or her mother’s womb. This appointment is the meeting of death with al-Malakul-Mowt (the Angel of Death) which will inevitably come to pass upon every single individual that has come into this world because the one who has come into it… must one day inevitably depart from it.

Today, depending on the sort of life we are living in this world, we are either looking forward to this meeting or we are denying it by making ourselves believe that it won’t really come to pass, or we are fearfully dreading it as we know it is approaching but we have not prepared well enough for it. Whatever the case, each one of us, as the minutes continue to pass us by, is unavoidably drawing closer to that final stage in our lives. We can either unsuccessfully try to run away from it or work for the day when it will come, just as many of us in the past had to sit exams, regardless of whether or not we were ready for them or wanted to undertake them, the fact of the matter was that we still had to sit them. In the same way, regardless of the fact whether we are poor or rich, healthy or sick, old or young, leader or led…none of us can escape that particular year, that certain hour, that specific minute and that unrelenting second when our souls will be extracted by this Angel of our Lord, the Most High. Allah (Almighty) has said,

“Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in a fortress built up strong and high.” (An-Nisaa, 4: 78)

Unlike other meetings, we cannot fit this appointment into our busy schedules as we wish, we cannot choose to cancel it, we cannot postpone it, nor can we combine or fit it into our other busy tasks. In fact, it will come upon us all of a suddenand this is when we will have to resign our very selves to our fate. Actions will then cease and the recompense for our deeds, whether good or bad, will begin. The feeling of the egoistic “free-will”, so easily expressed in the statement “it’s my life” will then cease to hold any real worth as our bodies will be left lifeless… without a life. The fact of the matter is, we came into this world involuntarily and we will depart from it involuntarily and the time is now, before it’s too late, to work for Islaam by giving up our souls, hearts and very lives for it.

Without a doubt, the Prophet’s Companions were ever ready to sacrifice and they forfeited all that was dear to them in this life for the spread of the Divine Message of Islaam. Thus, the Prophet (peace be upon him) guaranteed many of them unconditional entrance into Paradise… yet they still feared. They feared that they did not have enough provisions for the hereafter – out of their sincere humility and modesty. They were not boastfully proud of the many feats they successfully achieved in the way of Allah; they did not allow their minds to falsely claim and believe that somehow they owned Paradise, for they knew that it belongs to Allah, and Allah alone, and if He wills, He will allow them to enter into it; if He wills He has no one to stop Him from entering any of His creation into the Hellfire. This is why it is not surprising that the great Companion, Salmaan al-Faarsi (may Allah be pleased with him) was found weeping just before his death. When he was asked as to why this was so, he said:

“The Prophet (peace be upon him) commanded us to have sufficient provisions for the hereafter”.1

For those who have read the biography of Salmaan al-Faarsi, each page from his biography testifies to the difficult and painful terrain he traversed for the truth. He sacrificed his comforts, loved ones and homeland and jumped into a journey full of difficulties, foreign people and unknown lands. Yet, he still cried over whether he had sufficient provisions for the hereafter. Then how much more should we be crying over our states, our bankruptcy, with regards to the scale of our good deeds.

Similarly, the following is narrated on the authority of Ibn Shamasa Mahri regarding another Companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that he said: “We went to Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allah be pleased with him) and he was about to die. He wept for a long time and turned his face towards the wall. His son said: ‘Didn’t the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) give you tidings of this?’ He (the narrator) said: He turned his face (towards the audience) and said:

‘The best thing which we can count upon is the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him). Verily I have passed through three phases. 

(The first one) in which I found myself averse to none else more than I was averse to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and there was no other desire stronger in me than the one that I should overpower him and kill him. Had I died in this state, I would have been definitely one of the denizens of Fire.

When Allah instilled the love of Islaam in my heart, I came to the Apostle (may peace be upon him) and said: “Stretch out your right hand so that I may pledge my allegiance to you.” He stretched out his right hand (and then) I withdrew my hand. He (the Prophet, peace be upon him) said: “What has happened to you, O ‘Amr?” I replied: “I intend to lay down some condition.” He asked: “What condition do you intend to put forward?” I said: “I should be granted pardon.” He (the Prophet, may peace be upon him) observed:

“Are you not aware of the fact that Islaam wipes out all the previous (misdeeds)? Verily migration wipes out all the previous (misdeeds), and verily the pilgrimage wipes out all the previous (misdeeds).”

And then there was no one dearer to me than the Messenger of Allah and none was more sublime in my eyes than he. Never could I pluck up the courage to catch a full glimpse of his face due to its splendor. So if I am asked to describe his features, I cannot do that for I have not eyed him fully. Had I died in this state then I would have had every reason to hope that I would be among the dwellers of Paradise. Then we were responsible for certain things (in the light of which) I am unable to know what is in store for me. When I die, let neither female mourner nor fire accompany me. When you bury me, fill my grave well with earth, then stand around it for the time within which a camel is slaughtered and its meat is distributed so that I may enjoy your intimacy and (in your company) ascertain what answer I can give to the messengers (angels) of Allah.’”2

Many of us have also heard of the great Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee, one of the leading Jurists of his time and one of the Imams of the four popular juristic schools of thought. When he was on his deathbed al-Mazini (rahimahullah) visited him. Al-Mazini narrates what happened next: “I asked him, ‘How are you?’ He replied,

”I am leaving this world, leaving my brothers, meeting my sins, drinking the cup of death, and returning to the Almighty. But I do not know whether to Hell or Paradise my spirit will be admitted”.”3

This was a person who spent his life seeking knowledge, practicing and implementing it, and in turn teaching it to the masses. This is a person whose teachings and works spread when he was alive and even until now are taught, cited and referred to…yet he still worried whether he would be admitted in the Paradise of Delights.

In truth, now is the time to take heed from the words of Hamid al-Qasyrasi (rahimahullah) when he said:

“Though we know death is certain, we have not prepared ourselves for it. Though we know paradise is definite, we have not worked for it. Though we know the hell fire is sure, we have not feared it. So why are you delighted? What are you waiting for? Death is the first visitor from the Almighty bringing good or evil tidings… get closer to your Lord.”4

In fact, the righteous before were mentally prepared for the hereafter as they constantly worked towards it. For example, Habib Ibn Muhammad’s (rahimahullah) wife said that Habib used to tell me,

“If I die today get so-and-so to bathe me”.5

She was asked if he had seen a dream of his death. She replied that he used to tell her likewise every day.

Foot Notes:

1. Mukhtasar Minhaj Al-Qadisin (towards the hereafter) by Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi. Translated by Wa’il ‘A.Shihab 

2. Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 220 

3. Mukhtasar Minhaj Al-Qadisin (towards the hereafter) by Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi. Translated by Wa’il ‘A.Shihab 

4. Ibid

5. Ibid

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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Special Reminders for Eid

TaqabbAllaahu minna wa minkum.

Just a couple of short thoughts and reminders:

1. We went out one Eid with Sufyan Al-Thawri and he said, 

“The first thing we will do on this day of ours is to lower our gaze.” [Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, Kitab Al-Wara’ article 66]

It is reported that Hassan bin Abi Sinan rahimahullaah went out one Eid and when he returned home his wife said,

 “How many beautiful women have you looked at today?” After she kept asking him, he said, “Woe to you! I have looked at nothing but my toe from when I went out to when I returned to you.” [Ibn Abi al-Dunya, Kitab Al-Wara’ article 68]

So sisters, dress appropriately. I know its Eid and we all like to dress up, but make sure to stay well within your boundaries. And brothers.. follow the above sunnah and lower your gaze.

2. Ibn Rajab rahimahullaah:

 “Eid is not for the one who wears new clothes. Eid is for the one whose obedience rises. Eid is not for the one with beautiful clothes and fine means of transport, Eid is for the one whose sins are forgiven.” [al-Lata’if, p. 371]

One has to wonder.. how many of us have come out of Ramadan with a clean or even a partially clean slate? How many of us have bettered our `ibaadah? How many of us have purified our hearts? How many of us have been written from amongst the Siddiqeen, and to be from amongst those to enter Jannah? How many of us have been saved from Hell?

You have to ask yourself:

Have I been forgiven?

Beautiful Eid Greeting Cards

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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Special Islamic Reminders :: The Food you

waste is another Person’s Meal

Wasting food is a sin in Islam and a big violation of the very concept of Ramadan. Other than the numerous health benefits, fasting teaches a moral to Muslims to feel and understand the hunger, deprivation and suffering of fellow human beings.

Jabir (RA) reported: “I heard Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: ‘The Satan is present with any one of you in everything he does; he is present even when he eats food; so if any one of you drops a mouthful he should remove away anything filthy on it and eat it and not leave for the devil; and when he finishes (food) he should lick his fingers, for he does not know in what portion of his food the blessing lies.’” [Sahih Muslim, Book #023, Hadith #5046]

Remember, the Food you waste is another Person’s Meal!

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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Why Woman Cry – Short Story !


A little boy asked his mother, “Why are you crying?”

“Because I need to” she said.

“I don’t understand,” he said.

His mother just hugged him and said, “And you never will.”

Later the little boy asked his father, “Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?”

“All women cry for no reason,” his dad answered carelessly.

The little boy, still wondering why women cry, finally asked the old wise shaikh (scholar). “He surely knows the answer”, he thought.

“Ya Shaikh! Why do women cry so easily?”

The Shaikh answered:

“When Allah made the woman she had to be special. He made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.

He gave an inner strength to endure both childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.

He gave her a toughness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.

He gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child hurts her badly.

He gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart. He gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.

And lastly, He gave her a tear. This is hers and only hers exclusively to use whenever she needs it. She needs no reason, no explanation, its hers.

You see my son, the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the beauty of her face, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is her piety and must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart – the place where love resides.”

“This world is just temporary conveniences, and the best comfort in this world is a righteous

women.” Sahih Muslim 10/56, Kitab al-rida’, bab istihbab nikah al-bikr.

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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious


Blind Boy and a Man – Short Inspirational Story !


A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: “I am blind, please help.” There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, “Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?”

The man said, “I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way.”

What he had written was: “Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.”

Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?

Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?

“It is He, Who has created for you (the sense of) hearing (ears), sight (eyes), and hearts (understanding). Little thanks you give.” [surah Al-Mu’minun; 78]

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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

10 Signs of PIETY


1. Guarding the tongue from backbiting due to the saying of the Most High: “Do not backbite one another.” [49:12]

2. Shunning suspicion due to the saying of the Most High:

“Avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin.” [49:12]

And also due to the saying of the Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam,

“Avoid suspicion, for airing suspicion is the most lying form of speech.” [Musnad Ahmad]

3. Shunning mockery due to the saying of the Most High:

“Let not a people ridicule another people; perhaps they may be better than them.” [49:11]

4. Lowering gaze from forbidden things due to the saying of the Most High:

“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze.” [24:30]

5. Truthfulness of the tongue due to the saying of the Most High:

“And when you speak, be just.” [6:152]

6. Recognizing the blessings of Allah the Most High upon oneself in order to avoid conceitedness due to the saying of the Most High:

“Rather, Allah has conferred favor upon you that He has guided you to the faith, if you should be truthful.” [49:17]

7. Spending one’s wealth on good rather than bad things, due to the saying of the most High:

“And those who, when they spend, do so not excessively or sparingly.” [25:67] Meaning, they do not spend on sinfulness and do not prevent obedience, “but are ever, between that, [justly] moderate.” [25:67]

8. Not seeking haughtiness and pride for oneself, due to the saying of the Most High:

“That home of the Hereafter We assign to those who do not desire exaltedness upon the earth or corruption.” [28:83]

9. Maintaining with care the five prayers on time, with proper bowing and prostration, due to the saying of the Most High:

“Maintain with care the [obligatory] prayers and [in particular] the middle [`asr] prayer and stand before Allah, devoutly obedient.” [2:238]

10. Steadfastness upon the way of Sunnah and Jama`ah, due to the saying of the Most High: “And, this is My Path, which is straight, so follow it; and do not follow [other] ways, for you will be separated from His way. This has He instructed you that you may become righteous.” [6:153]

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