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Egypt ‘necrophilia law’? Hoax ? Facts about “sex after death” law :: News

Posted on: June 1, 2012

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Egypt ‘necrophilia law’? HOAX?

having sex with dead wife is allowed in islam ?

‘Necrophilia law’? Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet, kids. At least until there’s like, you know, some proof.

In Last Week of April a story spread across the internet  that Egypt’s Parliament was going to consider a law that would allow Egyptian men to have sex with their dead wives for up to six hours after they died.  The story began with an article in Al Ahram by Amru Abdul Samea, and was picked up by other media sites, and then by the blogsphere.  Many of us had reservations about the truth of this story, especially since Al Ahram is the government newspaper, and the only source for all of the subsequent stories was this Abdul Samea.

The Islamophobes jumped on this gleefully and used this news in there best ways…some Popular Islamophobes says :

— Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs posted an article Islamic Egypt Plans “Farewell Fornication Law” so Husbands can have sex with dead wives.

— Bare Naked Islam posted an article including disgusting photographs.

— Robert Spencer posted an article from Al Ahram with the intro “Here is yet more delightful evidence that Sharia is benign and completely compatible with U.S. Constitutional values, as we are constantly told.”

— Debbie Schlussel posted an article also with disgusting pictures and these comments from Schlussel “Yay–yet another “democratic” reform in Islamic Egypt, yet another reason to back up Barack Obama’s forcing out of Hosni Mubarak: the Muslim fanatics now running the country are enacting a new “farewell intercourse law,” which allows husbands to have sex with their dead wives up to six hours after their deaths. Very convenient: get rid of the wife in an honor killing, then have make-up sex right after, without any resistance.  …  Aren’t ya glad Egypt is “liberated”?!  On the other hand, this ain’t about Egypt or artificially created borders in the Arab world. It’s just Islam. Again, THIS. IS. ISLAM. “Religion of Peace.” And Religion of Sex with the Female Already-Rested In Peace.”

— Ann Barnhardt on the American Thinker posted an article that contained this disgusting passage:

“Necrophilia is not a joke.  It is real, and it is being openly ratified and encouraged by the satanic political cult of Islam.  A culture of people who are so far gone that they literally see nothing wrong with copulating with dead bodies is a culture that is capable of any evil imaginable, and cannot be stopped with any appeal to decency, morality, or shame.  What we are seeing in the Muslim world is the final descent of a human society into hell itself, and they will attempt to take as many others with them as they possibly can.  If these people are capable of “sexual pleasure” with not just corpses, but the corpse of the one person in the world who they should have loved and respected above all others, do you honestly believe that they would hesitate for a moment in merely pushing a button that launched nuclear warheads at Tel Aviv, or London, or New York? Now, behold the fruits of the “Arab Spring”, engineered and fertilized by the Obama regime.  In Egypt today, a bill has been introduced by the new Islamist parliament legalizing “farewell intercourse”, affording a man a six hour window after his wife’s death for necrophilic sex.  The Moroccan fatwa was not merely a “one-off.”  Necrophilia is culturally intrinsic to those societies poisoned by the satanic political cult of Islam.  A clash between civilization and anti-civilization is coming, and coming fast.  The enemy is not laughing.  I would strongly recommend that we stop laughing at the enemy, and make ready for battle.”
— Walid Shoebat posted an article If you reject Necrophilia, you might be Islamophobic

The Islamophobes are not concerned with facts, their purpose is to demean Muslims, and running with this story is an example of how successful they are with their base.  Here are a few comments from Pamela Geller’s readers:

— Necrophilia is Islamic, Muhammad practiced it so it perfectly moral behavior (for a Muslim, anyway). Please read the rebuttel of this sick claim “Muhammad had sex dead women”  from Christians is exposed . you can see how shamelessly they create lies against my beloved prophet pbuh.

— UNbelievable . . . but so easy to believe from these horrors, these sub-humans.  ONE MORE REASON to support Israel

— Necrophilia being a part of the death cult called pisslam doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

— Wow. That’s about as low as they can get. Depraved, abbherant behavior fitting of only the lowest form of life, or the most vile criminals is sanctioned as a part of their “religion.” How can anyone with even a half a brain cell firing think that behavior is okay?? Wonder how long it will be before we hear it’s perfectly permissible for Muslims to eat their babies after honor killing them.

— Muscums are really sick and very mentally sick animals .

— I used to think that moslems were sub-human. Now I know that they are mindless zombies straight from the bowels of hell.

It was hard to believe that there could be any truth to this story, however, not only Al Ahram, but then Al Arabiya had reported that Egypt’s National Council for Women (NCW) has appealed to the Islamist-dominated parliament not to approve two controversial laws on the minimum age of marriage and allowing a husband to have sex with his dead wife within six hours of her death according to a report in an Egyptian newspaper.   And, this supposed appeal from what seemed to be a real organization added some legitimacy to the possible validity of the story and outsource Islamophobes dont care to find out truth if anything is linked with Muslims.

But The Facts totally different :

Dan Murphy at the Christian Science Monitor was the first to say that the story of the Egyptian Parliament considering such a law is  without any substantiating evidence.

Egypt ‘necrophilia law’? Hooey, utter hooey.

Today, Egypt’s state-owned Al Ahram newspaper published an opinion piece by Amr Abdul Samea, a past stalwart supporter of the deposed Hosni Mubarak, that contained a bombshell: Egypt’s parliament is considering passing a law that would allow husbands to have sex with their wives after death.

It was soon mentioned in an English language version of Al-Arabiya and immediately started zipping around social-networking sites. By this afternoon it had set news sites and the rest of the Internet on fire. It has every thing: The yuck factor, “those creepy Muslims” factor, the lulz factor for those with a sick sense of humor. The non-fact-checked Daily Mail picked it up and reported it as fact. Then Andrew Sullivan, who has a highly influential blog but is frequently lax about fact-checking, gave it a boost with an uncritical take. The Huffington Post went there, too.

There’s of course one problem: The chances of any such piece of legislation being considered by the Egyptian parliament for a vote is zero. And the chance of it ever passing is less than that. In fact, color me highly skeptical that anyone is even trying to advance a piece of legislation like this through Egypt’s parliament. I’m willing to be proven wrong. It’s possible that there’s one or two lawmakers completely out of step with the rest of parliament. Maybe.

But extreme, not to mention inflammatory claims, need at minimum some evidence (and I’ve read my share of utter nonsense in Al Ahram over the years). The evidence right now? Zero.

There was a Moroccan cleric a few years back who apparently did issue a religious ruling saying that husbands remained married to their wives in the first six hours after death and, so, well, you know. But that guy is far, far out on the nutty fringe. How fringe? He also ruled that pregnant women can drink alcohol. Remember, alcohol is considered haram, forbidden, by the vast majority of the world’s Muslim scholars. Putting an unborn child at risk to get drunk? No, that’s just not what they do. Whatever the mainstream’s unpalatable beliefs (there are plenty from my perspective) this isn’t one of them.

It’s important to remember that the structure of the Muslim clergy is, by and large, like that of a number of Protestant Christian sects. Anyone can put out a shingle and declare themselves a preacher. The ones to pay attention to are the ones with large followings, or attachment to major institutions of Islamic learning. The preacher in Morocco is like the preacher in Florida who spent so much time and energy publicizing the burning of Qurans.

Stories like this are a reminder of the downside of the Internet. It makes fact-checking and monitoring easier. But the proliferation of aggregation sites, newsy blog sites, and the general erosion of editorial standards (and on-the-ground reporters to do the heavy lifting) also spreads silliness faster than it ever could before.

CS Monitor 

Reported Egypt Necrophilia Legislation Called ‘Hoax’ by Parliament

The age-old practice of banging your dead wife may be resurrected in Egypt, if members of the newly elected Islamist-dominated parliament have their say.

Or, so the Internet story goes.

Shocking reports circulated last week in Egyptian and Arab media outlets about a proposed “Farewell Intercourse” draft law, which allegedly stated that a husband would be able to legally fuck his partner’s decomposing body for up to six hours following her death.

But early this week Al Arabiya News reported that several members of the Egyptian parliament denied the rumors originally published last Tuesday by Egyptian state-run al-Ahram newspaper and Egyptian ON TV, which spread to the International media outlets.

The People’s Assembly Secretary General, Samy Mahran said, “I have never heard of anything in this regard.”

Islamist MP Mamdouh Ismail told Al Arabiya, “This is indecent and nonsense. The whole issue is unacceptable. It is even unacceptable to give any statement to media about this issue.”

Written records suggest the act of necrophilia dates back to Ancient Egypt. In order to discourage corpse intercourse, attractive dead chicks were left to decay for three to four days before being handed over to embalmers. Other societies in Southeast Asia, Central Europe and South America practiced necromancy to communicate with the deceased, and performed necrophilic deeds to consummate marriage after death, or to lay a virgin or soul to rest.

This week MP Hisham Ahmed Hanafi told the London-based Asharq al-Awsat, “Such reports are completely false and aim mainly to deform the image of the Egyptian parliament.”

MP Ashraf Agour of the Construction and Development Party also rebuffed the reports saying, “The issue has never been discussed in the parliament.”

And MP Amin Eskandar of al-Karama Party was also quoted, “These kinds of controversial laws are very dangerous and create a state of fear inside the community, the general atmosphere in the Egyptian parliament is vulnerable to such kinds of rumors.”

Analysts are claiming the necrophilia news piece was a hoax planted by supporters of Hosni Mubarak to defame Egyptian Islamists in power.


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9 Responses to "Egypt ‘necrophilia law’? Hoax ? Facts about “sex after death” law :: News"

Brother u r doing excellent service. Alhamdulilla


JazakAllah khair for feedback brother.


I love the new word islamophob…….really how about christianophob… are an idiot


[…] Egypt ‘necrophilia law’? Hoax ? Facts about “sex after death” law :: News | ISLAM—Worl…. […]


[…] This Allegation became quite popular these days after the news of Egypt “Necrophilia law” came. […]


Assalam alaikum. w. w.I remember the first week i got my laptop and was searching for Islamic sites, I entered a site called “Islam religion of peace” changing the world one body at a time [ refering to suicide boomers i later found out]. The above story was the main story at the time on Islam ,yaAllah I was shocked and angry after reading the filthy comments I responded by commenting that such a filthy thing can only start in the west then others follow. The whole day it upset me and I went back to the site, they had posted another article by an Arab christian quoting false hadiths trying to attribute the practice to Islam and the comments were really bad. I asked Allah to forgive me for visiting such a site and spent days obsessing about this until my husband told me not to visit the site again, the kuffar will go to any length to portray Islam negatively.
My opinion is scholars should have reacted faster to refute this lie with appropriate Quran and hadith evidence in all the true Islamic sites. Thank you for finally writing and posting about it and easing the ache in my heart .Allah [s.w.t] will protect ISLAM as ISLAM is the only true religion.


Wsalam sister,

i know about that website sister,

they r filthy hypocrite Islam haters listing the crimes done by Muslim..

if they believe we can’t do then they r wrong,We can also do and list all crimes ,rapes,murder,cheating done by Christians from all over world…but we don’t because we don’t believe if 1 person is wrong then entire community is also wrong.

but they have this view,but only against muslims not christians and jews.

//yaAllah I was shocked and angry after reading the filthy comments I//

Yes,Such Abuse is the main reason of existence of this website on internet.

//I went back to the site, they had posted another article by an Arab christian quoting false hadiths trying to attribute the practice to Islam and the comments were really bad.//

Arab Christian ? He must be Zakaria Botros … The Shameless filthy hypocrite christian and inventor of the lie that “Muhammad had sex with dead bodies” by misquoting hadith.

don’t worry,I already worked on this issue before 1 yr,and exposed his lie in our Islam Christianity Disscussion Group in facebook.

I will inshaAllah Post Next Article exposing this lie.

Its Good , if you never visited such sites,don’t visit again.

I Spend my many days and nights with pains and tears while reading there filthy cmnts and claims.then i decided to expose there lies and claims on this website.

Just Remember us in ur duas,InshaAllah with help from Allah there dirty face will be exposed in front of world.

just hve patience… wait for few hrs…after reading rebuttal you will be more happy than now …




Jazaakumullahul khair 🙂



About the Scholars i don;t know when they will… but we did it,with help from Allah…

Muhammad had sex with a dead body of a woman Lie Exposed !

and Im sure you will find that Arab Christian …


In future if you heard any alligation against Prophet and you don;t know answer,let us know..InshaAllah we will help.

JazakAllah khair


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