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Posts Tagged ‘Shaytaan

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Please can I have one more chance ?

There you are standing before Allah Taa’la, the whole of mankind in anticipation. Hell to your left and Paradise your right. From the first man until the last, everybody is present. What is to be of them on this Day?

Not a word is spoken. Everybody is naked but unusually today, no one actually cares about anybody else. There’s only one question running through everyone’s mind, what will be their eternal abode?

The Qur’an states:

“And they will be set before your Lord in (lines as) rows, (and Allah will say): “Now indeed you have come to us as We created you first. Nay, but you thought that We had appointed no meeting for you (with us).” (Surah 18, Verse 48)

You stand there very frightened. As a Muslim, you hardly prayed your Salaah. In Ramadhan, you didn’t feel like keeping fasts. Zakaat was never on your mind. Even though you had enough money for Hajj, a trip to the Caribbean always seemed much more appealing.

You look down and wish that this silence continues forever and ever. Then suddenly, very unexpectedly, your name is called. Abdullah! Son of Adam, your heart begins to beat faster and faster. You are now trembling. Your turn has now come.

It is time for the truth; did you live in this world as a true believer? Did you believe in the oneness of Allah and follow the teachings of our Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam? If so, then there is no doubt that Paradise is your eternal abode, but for those who ascribed partners with Allah and neglected the teachings of our Holy Prophet , then, Hell is their only dwelling. There will be no injustice on this day.

Slowly, tears begin to role down your face. Even before you receive the book of deeds, you know you have no chance. You had so many chances to revive yourself in the world, but you continued to commit sins, one after another. Many signs were brought before you clearly proving the oneness of Allah, but you rejected each sign, one after another. How is Allah going to give you another chance? Chances were given in the world. You continued sinning but were not punished; now you must face punishment for those unpunished sins committed. Then, the book (of deeds) is given to you in your left hand. You may have passed all the exams in school, but you now have failed the most important one, Life.

The Qur’an states:

“And We have fastened every mans deeds to his neck, and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall bring out for him a book which he will find wide open.” “(It will be said to him): “Read your book.” (Surah 17, Verses 13,14)

Allah Taa’la states:

“And the Book (ones record) will be placed (in the right hand for a believer in the Oneness of Allah, and in the left hand for a disbeliever in the oneness of Allah), and you will see the ‘Mujrimun (sinners), fearful of that which is (recorded) therein. They will say: Woe to us! What sort of Book is this that leaves neither a small thing nor a big thing, but has recorded it with numbers!” And they will find all that they did, placed before them, and Your Lord treats no one with injustice.” (Surah 18, Verse 49)

You bend down on your knees and beg for mercy. “Please Allah! Only one more chance, only one more chance! You open the Book which had been placed in your left hand. You are shaking as you open the book knowing full well that it has recorded every single deed and every sin. You know full well that no injustice has been done by Allah.

You open the book and every detail is inside. As soon as your eyes glance upon the first sin on the page you have opened, you begin to cry. You close the book and start to regret. But this is no time to regret.

Your chance has now gone.

You shout once more, “ALLAH! CAN I HAVE ONE MORE CHANCE!!!??”

The Qur’an states regarding the misguided:

When those who were followed will disown those who were following and they will see the punishment and all ties with them will be cut

And those people who were following will say if only there was a returning for us we would disown them just as they disowned us in this way Allah will show them their actions as a source of remorse against themselves and they will not be coming out of the fire of hell. (Surah 2, Verse 166-167)

The heat of the fire of Hell is burning in your mind. How will you be punished? How long will you be punished for? Every time you wanted to do good in the world, Shaytaan took you away from the straight path and you were deceived very easily. You can blame no one but yourself.

Allah Taa’la states:

And Satan will say when the matter has been decided: “Verily, Allah promised you a promise of Truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, so you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me.” (Surah 14, Verse 22)

How deceiving Shaytaan was? How powerful were his whispers and how weak was your Imaan?

Whatever he whispered into your ears, you immediately followed him. You disobeyed Allah and followed what you thought was the right path, but you were truly on the wrong path, treading upon the path that would lead you to inevitable destruction, the path that will lead you into Hell fire on this day. You thought arrogantly and lived as though you would live in the world forever. You ignored the fact that everybody to enter the world would eventually die one day and be judged. Allah Taa’la states in the Qur’an:

“Everyone is going to taste death.” (Surah 21, Verse 33)

Only seconds remain. The Hell fire is waiting. Your time has now come, but all you think of is that one more chance. With that one more chance, you would go back in the world and never commit another sin again. Chances, many chances were only given in the world but now it’s too late. You are thrown into the scorching fire.

My dear respected readers, do you want to end up like brother Abdullah? Does his life sound familiar compared to yours? Is obeying Allah, Praying Salaah and pleasing Him not in our daily schedule? Here in this life is our only chance and time to change. Remember, no chance will be given once you pass away. Repenting will be of no avail on that day. The Prophet mentions in one Hadith:

“The one who repents from sin is like one who has no sin.” (Hasan – Reported by Abu ‘Ubaidah ibn ‘Abdullaah and collected by Ibn Majah. Authenticated by Shaikh al-Albaanee.)

There is an extremely wretched place for those who disobey Allah and the Prophet . However, those who are pious and are on the Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (right path) will be the ones that will be triumphant on that day and these are the people that will earn a great reward. Allah Taa’la states in the Qur’an:

“Verily, the Muttaqun (pious and righteous persons) who fear Allah much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden), and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained) will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers (Paradise).” (Surah 54, Verse 54)

From all the hard work that you do in this world dear readers, Allah Taa’la will never let that work go to waste. Instead, gardens and rivers will be awaiting that person and the book of deeds will be placed in the believer’s right hand. As for those who do not believe, Allah Taa’la says:

“The Day they will be dragged in the Fire on their faces (it will be said to them): “Taste you the touch of Hell.” (Surah 54, Verse 48)

May Allah Taa’la give us all the ability to avoid or discard the path of the Shaytaan and follow the right path shown by our The Prophet (SalallAllaahu ‘alaihi wa salam). Ameen

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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Why Should I Study (My Religion)?

Many years ago in Uzbekistan, a baby boy was born blind. His Mother, the strong Mu’minah that she was, did not lose sight of He who had the Power to cure him. She prayed and prayed for her sons sight. And within a few years the boy regained his eyes.

She was widowed, the boy an orphan. She traveled with him to Makkah so that he could receive an Islamic Education. She arranged that he attend the circles of the scholars, and in those circles, he began excelling in the science of Hadeeth. He traveled to distant villages in search of the most authentic sayings of Rasul Allah (pbuh). He would pray two raka’at before accepting a Hadeeth. His mother named him: Muhammad ibn Isma’il. And many of us know him today by the book he compiled, the book that stands after the Qur’an in authenticity: Saheeh Al-Imam Al-Bukhari!

In another land, in another time, chilly Baghdad winds would wake up another boy. Much before Fajr, his mother would bundle him in warm shawls and escort him through the darkness, making sure he reached the Masjid safely. After Fajr, she would wait for him as he read Hadeeth to the biggest scholars of the land. Then, long after the sun had come up, she would meet him outside and together they would walk home. She was a strong mother indeed, for her son grew up to become an Imam of the Muslim Ummah, an Imam by the name of Ahmad ibn Hanbal. (Manaaqib Ahmad, by Ibn Al-Jowzee)

Imam Suyuti authored his first book, Tafseer Bismillaah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheeem, when he was in grade 2!

Dear brothers and sisters, why should we try to follow in the footsteps of these many other stars of Islam? The information that we shall in sha’ Allah learn is not like anything else. This knowledge is the law of Allah and the inheritance of the Prophets. It is our duty to preserve and protect the estate of Rasul Allah (pbuh), something that cannot happen without there being serious and sincere brothers and sisters spending long days and nights reading, reflecting, and teaching others.

Every Islamic revival that takes place is built on something. Some revivals are built on emotions, others on politics. Do you know which shall remain firm when the wind of woe blows? It shall be the one that was built on sound knowledge of the words of Allah and the Sunnah of Rasul Allah.

sincere man once stood on the beach shore watching, to his dismay, the waves thrashing a fish up and down, left and right. The man concluded that he must save the fish. He thrashed into the water and grabbed the fish by the tail. He then thrashed back to shore and threw the fish on the beach, satisfied that he had saved it from the water!

Dear brothers and sisters, when we work for the sake of Allah without knowledge of what the path of Allah is, many times we do as that young man did.

We are living in an age of information. We have lights in every corner of the house when only yesterday our ancestors read by the light of the moon. We have publishing houses when only yesterday our ancestors wrote the books they owned with their own hands. We have CD’s to search the Hadeeth archives when our scholars spent days upon days searching for proof and evidence in their libraries. Shouldn’t the knowledge increase with all this ease? It should. But it has not.

Dear brothers and sisters, we know that when a prize is great, the responsibility, and the work required for that prize shall also be great. And because of this, we see the enormous reward promised to those scholars and students of Islam due to the heavy work required.

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever seeks out a path to acquire knowledge (of the deen), Allah makes easy a path for them to Jannah!” – Muslim

Shaykh Abdur-Rahman As-Sa’dee said, “Thus any path a person takes, whether physical or otherwise, something that will help them in acquiring knowledge of the Deen, they enter in the words of the Prophet, “Whoever seeks out a path to acquire knowledge (of the deen), Allah makes easy a path for them to Jannah.” “

Rasul Allah told us that when a person seeks out a path to learn about Islam, this is a sign that Allah loves them and that He wants good for them in this life and the next.

From Mu’aawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, the Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever Allah wishes good for, he grants them Fiqh (understading) of the Deen.”

And Rasul Allah told us that the sincere scholars have a place with Allah that no one else can reach, and that they are the inheritors of the Prophet’s estate in passing it on to the world.

Rasul Allah said, “The virtue of the scholar to a worshipper (Aabid) is similar to the virtue of the moon when it is full to the rest of the stars. And verily the scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets. Verily the Prophets did not leave behind dirhams and deenars, but rather they left behind knowledge. Thus whoever takes it, takes it as a bountiful share.” – Authentic, narrated by Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah.

The position of the people of Islamic knowledge reached such a level that Allah (Jalla Thanaa’uhu wa taqaddasat Asmaa’uhu) and the Angels pray for them!

From Abu Umaamah: Rasul Allah said, “Verily Allah and His angels, even the ant in its hole and the fish in the sea, verily (they all) pray for he who teaches people good.” – authentic, narrated by Tabraanee.

Rasul Allah prayed for them also. He said, as narrated by Zayd ibn Thabit, “May Allah grant light (and happiness and beauty in the face) of someone who hears a hadith from us and memorizes it until he passes it on to others!” – authentic, narrated by Tirmidhi.

One of the Hadeeth scholars that Imam Bukhari took from, Hisham ibn Ammar narrates a story that happened to him when he was 8 years old. He says, “My father sold a house of his for 20 Deenaars so that I could go for Hajj (and study Islam). When I arrived in Madinah, I went to the circle of Imam Maalik. He was sitting amongst his students like a king. People would ask him questions and he would answer. When I entered the crowd and my turn came up I said, ‘Haddithnee (recite to me)!’ He said, ‘Rather you read.’ I said, ‘No, you haddithnee!’ Imam Maalik said, ‘No you read!’ When I talked back and argued, he got angry and said to another student, go with this boy outside and smack him 15 times!’ That student took me outside and smacked me 15 times with a stick and then brought me back to Imam Maalik. I said, ‘You have Dhulm (wronged) me! My father sold his house so that I could come to you and be honored by listening to your teaching and seek knowledge from you. And you smacked me 15 times without any crime on my part, I shall not forgive you!’ Imam Maalik then said, ‘What is the expiation for this Dhulm (wronging)?’ I said, ‘You have to recite 15 Ahadeeth to me, that is the expiation.’ So Imam Maalik began reciting the Ahadeeth to me until he completed 15. When he ended I told him, ‘Beat me more and read more Hadeeth to me.” Imam Maalik laughed and said, ‘be off.’ – From the book Ma’rifat Al-Qurraa’ al-Kibaar by Imam Adh-Dhahabi.

From the beginning of time, there has been a race between the doers of good and the doers of evil. Adam and Iblees, Musa and Fir’own, Muhammad and Abu Jahl. Today that race has not ended. Think: How hard are the doers of evil working and how hard are we?

Umar once said, “I seek Allah’s protection from Jalad (the strength and enthusiasm) of the sinner, and the laziness of the God-fearer.”

Subhaan Allah, it is as if he is contemplating the time that we are now living in.

How can one of us be too lazy to pray 2 raka’at at night, when the people of the Dunya spend the entire night watching movies, some of which they have to read the translation on the bottom of the screen? How can we be too lazy to read for 2 hours, when the people of the Dunya – those who just want more money to continue their sin – spend days upon days of all-nighters studying for their exams? Why do we cringe at paying 6 dollars for an Islamic book, when the people of the Dunya spend hundreds, rather thousands in pursuit of their sin?

What’s wrong? What has happened to us?

Listen to those who came before us. Some Fuqahaa’ said, “For years I desired to eat Hareesah (a sweet dish) and I wasn’t able to because it was only sold during class time.”

Imam Su’bah said, “If I ever saw someone running in the streets of the village I would only think one of two things: He was either crazy or a student of Hadeeth!”

And Ibn Al-Jowzee said, “I haven’t seen a flaw more sad in the community than those who stop working even though they have the ability to continue.”

How do we correct the situation dear brothers and sisters? Let us reflect on the following:

Firstly: We must be sincere in our desire to learn Islam. We are learning this Deen to rid ourselves, firstly, of ignorance and then to help others to rid themselves of ignorance.

Do you know the first Hadeeth in Sahih Bukhari, and in many many other Hadith books? It is not a coincidence that the first Hadeeth is: “Verily Actions are (judged) by their intentions.” The scholars are reminding us from the very beginning of our path to learning, from page one, that it must be for the sake of Allah.

Allah ordered us to be sincere to Him in what we do: “And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion, being true (in faith).” Al Bayyinah, 5

Rasul Allah said, “Whoever studies that which is meant for the sake of Allah, desiring only a piece of the Dunya, he shall not smell the frangrance of Jannah on the Day of Judgement.” – authentic, narrated by Ahmad, and Tirmidhi.

Ibn Abbas said, “Verily a man shall be protected (by Allah) in proportion to his niyyah (intention for doing what it is he is doing).”

And this issue of intention is not an easy matter. Sufyan ath-Thowree said, “I have never nursed something more rebellious than my intentions.” – from the book, Al-Ja’mi’ li akhlaaq al-Raawee, by Al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadi.

Listen to the advice of Imam Ibn Jamaa’ah if you want to know what it takes to correct your intention,

“A proper and sincere intention when studying Islam is to intend to win the pleasure of Allah by what you are doing. You should intend to practice what you learn, to resurrect the Shariah, hoping that this knowledge will shine light on your heart, cleanse your soul, and bring you closer to Allah on the day of Judgement. Your intention for studying Islam should not be to win any worldly commodity, like leadership or fame or riches. It should not be learnt so that you can show off to your colleagues or so that people will revere you and sit you in a chief position in their gatherings, and so on.” – from Imam Ibn Jamaa’ah’s book, Tadhkirat as-Saami’ wal Mutakallim.

Secondly: We should understand that we are in a continuous war with Shaytaan, and he does not want us to succeed in this studying.

Allah ta’aala says, “When thou does read the Qur’an, seek Allah’s protection from Satan the Rejected One.” An-Nahl, 98

The Shaytaan shall sit in the face of every good thing that you try to do. Rasul Allah told us, “The Shaytaan sits in the path (of every goodness) that the son of Aadam (may try to take). He sat in front of him when he took the path to Islam and told him, ‘how could you leave the religion of your fathers and your fore-fathers?’ But he disobeyed him and became Muslim. Then Shaytaan sat in front of him in his path to Hijrah and said, ‘How could you leave your land and your sky?’ But he disobeyed him and migrated (from Makkah). Then he sat in front of him in his path of Jihaad and said, ‘Why should you do Jihad? It will only exhaust your wealth and body. You’ll be killed, your wife will marry someone else, and your wealth will be divided (to others).’ But he disobeyed him and went for Jihad.” Rasul Allah then said, “Whoever does this, it is a duty upon Allah that He shall enter him into Jannah!”

How will the Shaytaan sit in your face:

He will tell you to study tomorrow, and when tomorrow comes, study tomorrow. Procrastination is from the Shaytaan!

Shaytaan will tell you that you are busy now and that later in your life you shall take the time out to study Islam. After marriage, after graduation, after you get a job. Life shall pass and the ‘after’ shall live forever.

Shaytaan will tell you that the situation of the Ummah is lost and that you studying will not help anything, so don’t waste your time. Combat this with what you’ve seen from the Jihad of knowledge and teaching that Rasul Allah and those that came before us did.

Shaytaan will tell you that there are enough scholars, they don’t need you. Combat this with the fact that scholars shall die, and if the knowledge is not passed on to the next generation, it shall die in the community. There are 1.4 billion Muslims and the problem that always comes up is that there are not enough teachers and scholars. Everyone is a shepherd and everyone shall be responsible for his or her flock!

Thirdly: We should never forget to pray to Allah to bless us with His Mercy in succeeding in our intentions to learn Islam for His sake.

Allah ta’aala says “When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me.” Surah Al-Baqarah, 186

Let us pray to Allah now to make this effort we are doing to learn His Deen, to learn His Shariah, sincere for His sake. And that He blesses us by His Mercy to succeed in what we intend. Verily, he has the Power to do anything.


By Muhammad al-Shareef

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In The Name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most Kind

Shaitaan beautifies falsehood and he makes sins appear attractive by calling forbidden things with beautiful names

‘And whosoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent (i.e. this Qur’aan and worship of Allah), We appoint for him Shaytan to be a Qareen (an intimate companion) to him. And verily, they (Shayateen) hinder them from the Path (of Allah), but they think that they are guided aright!’ [(43): 36-37]

This verse determines the task of Qareen;
a) Hindering from the path of Allah,
b) and confusing the person into believing that he is upon the truth.

Hindrance from the path of Allah cannot be done except by beautifying falsehood and making it look good in one’s eyes. Not letting one realize that the Sharee’ah of Allah is being opposed. Man spends his whole life with this waswasa until he recognizes the truth but it is too late!! On that day, he will complain and, ‘he says (to his Qareen), ‘Would that between me and you were the distance of the two easts (or the east and west)’ a worst (type of) companion (indeed)!’ [Soorah az-Zukhruf (43): 36-37]

Imam Ibnul-Qayyim said in this context, ‘One of his (Shaytan) plots is that he always bewitches people’s mind until they are deceived. No one is saved from his sorcery except those whom Allah Wills. He makes attractive to the mind that which will harm it, until a person thinks of something as most beneficial, and he (Shaytan) discourages him from that which is the most beneficial, until he thinks that it will harm him. La ilaaha illAllah, how may people have been tempted by this sorcery!’ [Quoted from, ‘Aalam al-Jinn was-Shayateen by Umar S. Al-Ashqar]

Shaytan made the idea of eating from the forbidden tree appear attractive to Adam by giving it a beautiful and attractive name. He kept claiming to Adam that the forbidden tree was ‘the tree of eternal life,’ and that eating from it would make him live forever in Paradise, or would make him one of the angels, ‘Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save you should become angels or become of the immortals.’ [(7):20] until Adam obeyed Shaytan, and was subsequently expelled from Paradise.

Shaytan may beautify a sinful action between a man and woman

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said, ‘Men are not tempted by anything more than women.‘ [Agreed upon]

For this reason, women are commanded to cover their bodies and men are commanded to lower their gaze. He (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) forbade being alone with a non-mahram woman and said that no man is ever alone with a non-mahram woman but Shaytan is the third one. This is because Shaytan may beautify a sinful action for them and thus, we must try to subdue Shaytan and drive away his deception and act in accordance with the guidelines of Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam), who said, ‘The woman comes in the form of a Shaytan and goes in the form of the Shaytan. So if one of you sees a woman that pleases him, he should go to his family and that will get rid of what is in him.’ [Saheeh Muslim]

The Qur’aan relates a number of examples of how Shaytan beautifies falsehood and Kufr for his enemies and they go along what he intends for them, like Saba and her kingdom. The hoopee bird informed Suleiman (alaihis-salaam) about their condition, ‘I found her and her people worshiping the sun instead of Allah, and Shaytan has made their deeds fair-seeming to them, and has barred them from (Allah’s) Way, so they have no guidance,’ [Soorah an-Naml (27): 24]

This trick of Shaytan is very dangerous, because if falsehood is made to appear attractive to a person, how would he strive towards achieving the good and repelling the evil?

Allah says in the Qur’aan about Thamud, the people of Salih (alaihis-salaam) , ‘And We have assigned them (Shayateen) intimate companions (in this world), who have made fair-seeming to them, what was before them (from the Hereafter that there is no resurrection, Paradise or Hell) and what was behind them (he beautified for them that the world was very old, and there was no Creator except nature).’ [(41): 25] [See, Tafseer al-Kabeer of Rajhi 27/103]

And this beautification of the world leads to turning away from the Deen and mocking at the believers, ‘Beautified is the life of this world for those who disbelieve, and they mock at those who believe.’ [(2): 212]

SubhanAllah, is this not what we witness today from the Darwinists.

The people of  Thamud were, in fact, the most famous people for their intelligence, and Shaytan approached them through this door and enticed them, so they became stubborn and argued and were destroyed, ‘And Ad and Thamud (people)! And indeed (their destruction) is clearly apparent to you from their (ruined) dwellings. Shaytan made their deeds fair-seeming to them, and turned them away from the (Right) Path, though they were intelligent.’ [(29): 38]

How many intelligent people have been fooled by Shaytan today, and from their false thoughts are communism, secularism and feminism!! This is because Shaytan has beautified the falsehood for them.

This has been the way of Shaytan with every nation as Allah says, ‘By Allah, We indeed sent (Messengers) to the nations before you (O Muhammad), but Shaytan made their deeds fair-seeming to them. So he (Shaytan) is their Wali (helper) today (i.e. in this world), and theirs will be a painful torment.’ [ (16): 63]

Imam Ibn Katheer writes in the Tafseer of this verse, ‘He sent Messengers to the nations of the past, and they were rejected. You, O Muhammad, have an example in your brothers among the Messengers, so do not be distressed by your people’s rejection. As for the idolater’s rejection of the Messengers, the reason for this is that the Shaytan made their deeds attractive to them.’ So he (Shaytan) is their Wali (helper) today,’ meaning they will be suffering punishment while Shaytan is their only helper, and he cannot save them, so they have no one to answer their calls for help, and theirs is a painful punishment.’ [Tafseer Ibn Katheer] [(16): 63]

With this trick, Shaytan befools mankind into deceiving their own selves and making the prohibitions of Allah lawful for themselves. An interesting story is mentioned in the Qur’aan about the people of Sabbath among the Jews, whom Allah forbade to fish on Saturday (Sabbath) as a trial for them. ‘And ask them (O Muhammad) about the town that was by the sea, when they transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: when their fish came to them openly on the Sabbath day, and did not come to them on the day they had no Sabbath. Thus We made a trial of them for they used to rebel.’ [Soorah al-A’raf (7): 163]

So, ‘They began using deceitful means to avoid honoring the Sabbath by placing nets, ropes and artificial pools of water for the purpose of fishing before the Sabbath (i.e., on Friday). When the fish came in abundance on Saturday as usual, they were caught in the ropes and nets for the rest of Saturday. During the night, the Jews collected the fish after the Sabbath ended. When they did that, Allah changed them from humans into monkeys, the animals having the form closest to humans. Their evil deeds and deceit appeared lawful on the surface, but they were in reality wicked. This is why their punishment was compatible with their crime. …Imam Abu Abdullah bin Battah reported that Abu Hurayrah (radhi allahu anhu) said that the Messenger of Allah said, ‘Do not commit what the Jews committed, breaching what Allah has forbidden, by resorting to the lowest types of deceit.’ [See, Tafseer Ibn Katheer]

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said,’A group of my Ummah will make intoxicants lawful, giving it a name from themselves.’ In another narration it says, ‘they will name it by other than its proper name.’ [See, Ibn Majah (3385) & Musnad Ahmad (4/237, 5/318)

Imam Ibnul-Qayyim writes, ‘From him (Shaytan), his followers learned the method of calling haraam things by names which people find attractive. So they called wine – the mother of joy, and they called intoxicants – morsels of delight, and they called Riba (usury) business dealing…’ (end quote from Wabil as-Sayyib)

Similarly, today singing, dancing, acting, making statues are all called, ‘art!’ But with such devious behavior man can only fool himself and none can deceive Allah, the All-Wise.

Shaytan corrupts people’s heart and souls through singing and music
Imam Ibnul-Qayyim (rahimahullah) writes in Igaathat al-Lahfaan (1/242), ‘Among the plots and traps of the enemy of Allah, with which he seeks to trap those who posses little knowledge, reasoning and religious commitment and trap the ignorant is the listening to whistling and clapping of hands and singing accompanied by forbidden musical instruments, which closes people’s hearts to the Qur’aan and makes them devoted to immorality and sin.

This is the ‘qur’an’ of the Shaytan, an impenetrable barrier which blocks them from the Most Merciful.

This is the means that leads to sodomy and fornication, by means of which the Shaytan ensnares the hearts of those who follow falsehood and makes it appear attractive to them by way of deceit and trickery. He inspires them by means of specious arguments to regard it as something good, so they accept this idea and for the sake of argument to regard it as something good, so they accept this idea and for the sake of singing they forsake the Qur’aan…’

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