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Miracle Baby Born in Church holding small Holy Quran :: Islam News

Posted on: May 10, 2012

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Miracle Baby Born in Church holding small Holy Quran  in Lagos  :: News

FORTY-EIGHT hours after a mystery birth in Ijeshatedo, Lagos State, hundreds of  Muslim faithful were still shouting Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar yesterday in the area.

A 32-year-old woman, on Monday, gave birth to a baby boy, clutching the Holy Qur’an in his right hand.

Since the birth, the mother of the child, Kikelomo Ilori, and her neighbours on Shonde Street have been receiving visitors wishing to catch a glimpse of the miracle baby and the Qur’an.

Local government chairmen, market women, policemen, Imams, chiefs and Muslim cleric  were not left out.

Kikelomo lives with her mother.

Yesterday,  people filled the balconies of the first and second floors of the house.

The tiny Qur’an was placed inside a transparent box and beside it, a basin where people  dropped money.

Intermittently, shouts of Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar rented the air.

According to Kikelomo, she gave birth to the boy at a Cherubim and Seraphim Church, located at Ejigbo.

A friend, Kenny Ogunlana, took her to the church after the pregnancy was past nine months.

In fact, she said the pregnancy was already 11 months “and the baby appeared not to be in a hurry to come into the world”.

When she got to the church – Cherubim and Seraphim Morning Star – she met the midwife, Victoria Moses, who led other prayer warriors to pray for her everyday.
Four days after, she delivered.

Kikelomo, who had gone through rigorous labour pains, did not know that her baby came into the world clutching anything, let alone, the  Qur’an. She was later told the story.

The midwife, Moses, said “the baby is not an ordinary one”.

The woman, in her 60s, said: “When the mother of the baby was brought to our church at Morning Star, she complained of incessant waist pain.  I told her it was normal. Though the baby was overdue, I noticed she was scared.

I asked her if she had faith that she would deliver the baby, she said yes. I didn’t give her anything except prayers and water.

When her water broke, she came to me. The amazing thing was what transpired while she was in labour.

There was no light. PHCN had interrupted power supply. But as the head of the baby came out, they brought the light. (Another shouts of Allah Akbar from people in the room). I noticed the baby was clutching something, I thought it a clot of blood. I tried to remove it, but it was strong, sort of.

I used water to wash it, thinking to wash off the blood, and then I noticed it and thought it was tissue, but tissue can’t be strong. As I kept washing it, it became clearer that it was a tiny book. It was tinier than what you’re seeing now. I kept it aside. Suddenly, PHCN, interrupted power supply again (another shouts of Allah Akbar). I tell you, it was God who delivered that baby.

I’ve seen cases where babies come into the world, holding a rope, but nothing like this! I  help mothers deliver babies. I have delivered a lot, but I’ve never seen anything like this. When the mother of the woman came, I showed her the item I found in the right hand of the baby.”

It was Kikelomo’s mother who instantly recognised the item as the Holy Qur’an and  dashed off to call Imams in her area at Ijesha, begging them to explain the meaning of the strange coming of the baby with a Qur’an.

The mother confessed bluntly that she had attempted to abort the baby, “but the foetus  remained stubborn”.

Asked why she wanted to terminate the baby, she insisted she was not ready for a baby and did not have money to take care of the baby.
Asked what the father of the baby felt about aborting it, she claimed not to have told him her plans to do away with the baby.

Kikelomo said: “When I discovered that I was pregnant, I wanted to abort the baby. I didn’t have money to take care of a baby. Yes, the baby is my first child and no, I’m not married. Even in church, I was warned not to go for abortion, that the baby is from God. But I still went ahead with the abortion plan.

I went to a nurse, who gave me injections. I saw blood, I thought the pregnancy had been terminated, only for me to go for scan three months after and discovered that the baby was still intact.

“When I discovered that the baby was still growing, I rushed back to the nurse who injected me, explaining the problem. She was surprised that the baby was still intact. I asked her to give a ‘D and C,’ but she refused. She said the blood had already formed, that it would be like killing somebody.

When it was nine months, the baby didn’t come. When it was 11 months, I told my friend who took me Morning Star church, there I delivered the baby.”

The Qur’an came in a transparent waterproof. At first glance, it looks like it was wrapped in nylon, making it difficult to flip through.

An attempt to tear off the nylon like covering was rebuffed by family members, saying that the baby’s father had yet to see it.

But Islamic scholars, who were at Kikelomo’s residence, explained that the Qur’an came in such a wrapping because it was a taboo for a woman’s blood to touch.  According to them, “God knows what he is doing”.

The Executive Director of Zakat and Sadakat Foundation, Imam Abdullahi Shuaib, who is also the Deputy Chief Imam of the Central Mosque, Ikoyi, explained the significance of ‘an innocent baby’ coming into the world, holding a Qur’an.

The significant is peace, he said, especially in view of the insecurity situation presently rocking the nation.

“Allah is peace! Let people understand how to live in peace with God and our neighbours, Allah is the only one who can pass final judgement on anybody.”

Source 1

Another News Article same Issue :

A big controversy is raging in Lagos following the birth of a baby boy said to be clutching a miniature Holy Quran at birth. The baby was born at a white garment church in Mushin, Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria.

While some dispute the claim, others say it is possible. A large crowd gathered at 1, Sonde Street, Ijeshatedo, Lagos home of the boy’s parents yesterday, as news of the birth spread rapidly.

His mother, Mrs. Kikelomo Ilori, 32, a Cosmetologist, told P.M.NEWS that he was born on Monday after she had carried the pregnancy for about 10 months. The single mother claimed she was abandoned by her husband who denied responsibility for the pregnancy and encouraged her to abort it. The woman told P.M.NEWS yesterday: “When I refused to abort the pregnancy, he deserted me, saying ‘that is your own problem’.” Mrs. Ilori expressed surprise at the birth of the boy. She added that the nurse who delivered her of the baby was physically challenged, but went about it commendably.

“When my baby was delivered holding a Quran in his hand, the nurse said the Quran should be thrown away. But I insisted my mother must see it before any action could be taken,” Kikelomo, who is a Christian, further explained.

Corroborating the story, Senior Rev. Victoria Yetunde Dada said during the pregnancy, Kikelomo was always coming to her for prayers and counselling.

“I advised her not to abort the pregnancy because she might die in the process. Again, I told her the foetus was sent by God and will be great,” Apostle Mother Dada told our correspondent. Controversy has continued to trail the seemingly spurious claim.

Reacting, Medical Director of Bodet Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos, Dr. Bode Tawak said scientifically, it was not possible for a baby to be born holding a Quran.

“How big is the baby’s hand to hold the Quran? How big is the Quran? How did the Quran get into her mother’s womb? I don’t know how a Quran can get into a womb. But there are things you can’t explain,”.

Dr. Tawak responded. He said while the incident cannot be explained medically, in Nigeria many mysterious things happen. A Kaduna-based medical practitioner, Dr. Munir Yusuf said from a medical point of view, it was not possible, but added that depending on the size of the Quran, it was possible metaphysically.

He explained that if the Quran is small enough to pass through the diameter of the vagina, with the child, it is possible. In the same vein, a herbal medicine practitioner, Chief Dr. Bola Adegunloye believes nothing is impossible, but said too much importance must not be placed on the incident.

Source; PM News

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Assalam Alaykum brother and sisters,

kindly note that im not claiming What this news says is really a Miracle,
I’m sharing in News Section. It Might be true and might be lie.

Only Allah knows best.
slave of Allah

Don’t trust things until its verified as there are many Fake Miracles on Internet,
you can view few Miracles We Exposed before :

Fake Miracle : Flying stone in Jerusalem
FAKE MIRACLE :: Flying Dome of Mosque in Nepal !
Burried Muslim Children Saved By Jesus
Allah Miracle in Camel


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146 Responses to "Miracle Baby Born in Church holding small Holy Quran :: Islam News"

I am really pleased to read this web site posts which
contains tons of helpful facts, thanks for providing these data.


I dnt knw whethr dat newz z real or fake . . .bt 1 thng i knw 4 sure z dat. . . For allah nothing z impossible . . . Allahu akbar


Can’t you see that this sort of bull is to further brainwash muslims, making out that a book is found in childs hand. Do you guys really believe this claptrap???
Where is this “book” ?? Show us and Is it in Arabic???


then you should ask Church,Where is the Book …involved in this story.


No one can know the source of God power for Allah has power over everything…


Allah is wort 2 be worship,u alon we no nd u alon we worship nd u r d creator of every evry in d word nd Embraze Us wit miracle of urs,Allah is shwng us his miracle tru dis child, and prophet muhammad(S.A.W)Said b4 d end of d world many tins is goin 2 happn so it’s d miracle evrytin is possible wit Allah.ALLAHU AKBAR.




it is Allah’s miracle for everybody to hold on to their faith… HE remind us that we should not forget the day of judgement… ALLAH AKBAR


ALLAH is the greatest..He knows what we express and what we hide and He is the supreme creator of this world.He blesses us with his miracles everyday,every second but we don’t see it.This incident is also one of ALLAH’s miracles to testify that He is the real creator and the only one to be worshiped.Those who see it and increase their faith in Him will be success ed and those who fail to see it will be like the one who is blind walking in the desert sand and will have no peace of mind.. ALLAH AKBAR.


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