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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Liam Neeson: BEFORE ISLAM (write to him)

Before He Heard Adhan –
Before Met Muslims –
Before He Watched Salat –
liam neeson1
Laim Nesson
Before Islam

While we wait for him to make his shahadah and enter Islam completely, we thought it a good idea to give Muslims some idea of who he was before being affected by the adhan and coming to love Islam.

Please take some time to read about him and his past, make dua for him and if you can think of something that might help him – leave him a message at the end of this story (even if you did it before – say something to encourage him)… Read:

As film stars go, Liam Neeson certainly did it the hard way. In his late twenties he was still struggling in Irish regional theatre. By his mid-thirties, he’d risen only as far as supporting roles in a few of the Eighties’ plethora of TV miniseries. Indeed, he was into his forties before his star really rose, when, as the fine character actor he had become, he brought grace, pain and a necessary touch of sleaze to the part of Oskar Schindler in Steven Spielberg’s Academy Award-winning Holocaust tale, Schindler’s List. Suddenly, he was a bona fide star, not just an esteemed player but, with the likes of Rob Roy, Michael Collins and Gangs Of New York, a kind of thespian action hero, to boot. A starring role in The Phantom Menace, the long-long-awaited Star Wars prequel, placed him right at the top of the Hollywood tree. He was 47 years old – it had been a hard and long journey.

He was born William John Neeson on the 7th of June, 1952, in Ballymena, a small County Antrim market town some twenty-odd miles to the north-west of Belfast. It was a predominantly Protestant area – actually in the North Antrim constituency of firebrand preacher Ian Paisley – and the Neesons were Catholics, but Liam claims that, growing up, he saw little sectarian prejudice. Indeed, he’s said he was shocked when, visiting his grandparents in the south of Ireland, the local kids ostracized and taunted him, sneering that he was from the north and therefore “followed the Queen”.

Neeson’s father, Barney, a quiet, self-effacing fellow, worked as a caretaker at the local Catholic girls’ school where his mother, Kitty, a lover of music and the craic, also worked as a cook. Liam, named after a well-respected local priest, would live with them, as well as his older sisters Elizabeth, Bernadette and Rosaleen, in a tiny house in a Housing Trust project. Helen Mirren, when she visited the place as Neeson’s girlfriend in the early Eighties, would wonder how they’d all fitted in.

As his own father had run a pub, Barney was well aware of the dangers of drink and kept a strictly temperate household. His only indulgence was a weekly poker game with the parish priests. It was a good atmosphere for young Liam, who was a keen reader and, by 1963 when he enrolled at St Patrick’s Secondary School (later to become St Patrick’s College) a very disciplined student. The boy was also, from an early age, something of a cineaste. Ballymena boasted only one cinema, but it did present double bills that changed every two days. Thus Liam could watch up to 14 films a week, and he often caught them all. This would change only when, seeking the pervy dollar, the cinema turned porno.

OK – We see he didn’t like alcohol, he doesn’t chase after girls and he quit movies when they put in naked women – AND




. . . . BUT, Can He Give Up This World for The Next World? . . . For Allah?

He sounds like a good person for Islam – even if he wasn’t famous.

OK, so let’s help him know more about Islam –

Your words can help him . . Tell him . . Encourage him . .
Pray for him – Ask Allah to Guide him & all of us to His Way – in submission, sincerity and peace (Islam) . . .


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  • We will send your Good Messages to him.

thank uou!

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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Catholic Church Admits: ‘Islam #1’!

It is Official: Ever Since 2008 Church Admits –

“Islam is Still the World’s #1 Religion!”

Roman Catholicism Admits:
Yusuf Estes comments included in this article..
(originally came out in April of 2008)

The Catholic Church has finally admitted (although with many excuses)the fact – ISLAM is the world’s largest religion today! Al Hamdulillah.

Vatican City – headquarters of the Catholic Church headquarters and home to the Pope – has released the official statement (click and read) – – –

Allah Almaighty Said in the Quran:

‘It is Allah Who has send His messenger (Muhammad, peace be upon him) with guidance and the Way (religion) of truth (pure monotheism) to make it victorious over all religions (ways), even though the pagans (polytheists, idolators and disbelievers) hate it.” (Quran chapter 61, verse 9)

The Roman Catholic Church startled the religious and secular world today, with the official announcement – admitting:

“ISLAM has now become the world’s largest religion – the Vatican newspaper said in Sunday’s “Vatican City”

‘For the first time in history, we are no longer at the top: Muslims have overtaken us,’

Monsignor Vittorio Formenti said in an interview with the Vaticannewspaper L’Osservatore Romano.

Formenti compiles the Vatican’s yearbook. He said that Catholics accounted for 17.4 percent of the world population — a stable percentage —

While Muslims are more than estimated, around twenty five per cent (25%) Yusuf Estes

‘It is true that while Muslim families, as is well known, continue to make alot of children, Christian ones on the contrary tend to have fewer and fewer,’ the monsignor said. Formenti also said that the data refers to 2006. The figures on Muslims were put together by Muslim countries and then provided to the United Nations, he said, stating the Vatican could only vouch for its own information.

It could be the Muslim population is even higher than they willing to admit. – Yusuf Estes

Even considering all types of Christians together and not just Catholics – all together are about 30% of the world’s population. Spokesmen for the Vatican and the United Nations did not immediately returnphone calls seeking comment Sunday.


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Know 33 Real Facts about Nirmal Baba

1. Third Eye Of Nirmal Baba
Delhi High Court passes restraining orders to Indijobs at Hubpages from writing and publishing anything defamatory about Nirmal Babaji. Defamation proceedings underway. You can see this notice on the website of Nirmal Baba.

2. Registration fee is Rs 2000/- per person. Children over 2 years also need to be registered this means Nirmal Baba charges Rs 2,000 from every participant who wishes to be a part of his commune, ‘samagam’. This amount is transferred directly into Nirmal Baba’s three bank accounts one each in Punjab National Bank, ICICI Bank and Yes Bank

3. Publicly displayed bank account numbers:
ICICI A/c Number: 002-905-010-576
PNB A/c Number: 1546-0021-0002-3105

4. Real Name of the Nirmal Baba is Nirmaljeet Singh Narula

5. Name of the wife – Sushma Narula

6. He was born around 1950 in a Sikh family

7. Nirmal got married to the daughter of Dilip Singh Bagga in Jharkhand and has two children (son & daughter).

8. Nirmal Baba is the brother-in-law of former speaker of Jharkhand Legislative Assembly, Inder Singh Namdharee

9. According to Namdhari, he married Baba’s sister in 1964 when Nirmal was only 14-15 years old. After the murder of his father during his childhood, his mother sent him to Daltonganj, Jharkhand in 1970’s

10. Star News reported that Nirmal Baba during the seventies, owned a cloth shop and after a few years he shut the shop. Later on he tried his luck in the bricks business and laid the foundation of ‘Nirmal Bricks’ but failed

11. 1980 – He went to Delhi.

12. How he got the magical powers I think no one knows it except Baba.

13. Nirmal Baba holds two accounts – one in the name of Nirmaljeet Singh Narula and the other in the name of ‘Nirmal Darbar’. Sushma Narula, Nirmal Baba’s wife, is registered as the nominee.

14. Nirmaljeet Singh Narula aka Nirmal Baba started his career as a brick kiln owner

15. Media has reported that Nirmal Baba asks for 10 percent of the salary from all those who visit him for solutions to their problems.

16. He advertises on 35 channels and has over 3 lakh followers on Facebook.

17. He got 42,000 followers on Twitter

18. On following TV channels Nirmal Baba appears – star news, IBN 7,Aajtak, History Tv 18, Sony TV, Sab TV, Life Ok, Sahara one,AXN,News24, India TV, News 24,Aaj Tak Tej, Star Utsav, DY 365,Sadhna,Sahara Samay,Nepal One, Zee 36garh,Divya,Sahara UP, Sahara Bihar, Sahara MP, Sahara Rajasthan, Sahara Samay Mumbai,Saubhagya,Darshan24,Prathna Odisha,p7News,Total TV, India News Haryana,Katyayani, A2Z,Colors USA only, TV Asia Usa

19. On Friday Prabhat Khabar a Jharkhand daily reported that Rs 109 Crore was found deposited in Nirmal Baba’s two bank accounts in just three months

20. As per estimates Nirmal Darbar has an annual turnover of approximately 84 Crore rupees.

21. Nirmal Baba told to media that I have been paying my income tax regularly. My annual turnover is Rupees 235 Crore.

22. Nirmal Baba refused to accept the allegations against him saying that he did not pay people to pose bogus questions at his samagams and prayer meetings.

23. Nirmal baba told to media that he had never claimed to be a miracle worker. I’m lucky to have been blessed with special powers,” said Nirmal Baba

24. People say that Nirmal Baba got the magical powers and he does magical things wonders with his sixth sense and attained mystic powers.

25. in Lucknow Tanaya Thakur and Aritya Thakur, filed a report against self-proclaimed godman Nirmal Baba at a police station

26. The Delhi High Court has restrained a US-based website from posting any material on its webpages that is defamatory to Nirmal baba. interim order directed the portal,, not to publish any material on its site which is harmful to the reputation of Nirmaljit Singh Narula also known as ‘Nirmal baba’.

27. If one wants to participate in his samagams then one needs to make a payment of Rs. 2,000. Payment should be made through a bank challan and devotee needs to keep one counterfoil of that challan. Send the other to the designated office in Delhi and after the confirmation of registration they will send an SMS On the date of ‘registered’ samagam, devotee needs to go there with the counterfoil challan and a valid ID proof. Only these two documents can ensure a ‘pass’ for the samagam

28. Which type of solutions Nirmal Baba gives – He tells to keep money in black purse and a 10 rupee bundle in locker.

29. He tells distribute fruits etc.

30. What is the theory behind Daswand? He asks his followers to deposit a part of income to someone which may give a sort of guarantee for continuing KRIPA. That part of income which has been offered is called Daswand.

31. Complainant Yogendra Shankar Shulka, ex-President, Ravishankar University, organised a press conference and told media that Nirmal Baba is suggesting ‘non-sense’ remedies to the problems of innocent people like Keep bundle of notes in locker, eat samosa, wear expensive footwear, flaunt luxury purse, etc, and exploiting them financially.

32. Nidhi, a junior-artist who has worked in many TV serials, claimed that Nirmal Baba shot many of his programmes in Film City, Noida, UP and surprisingly the people who asked questions were not the ‘genuine’ ones but ‘fake’ people hired by Nirmal Baba.

According to Nidhi, she got Rs 10,000 from Nirmal Baba for asking questions.

33. Nirmal Baba is very intelligent and he became the Spiritual God or whatever

34 – Media has reported that Nirmal Baba has purchased a hotel using donations from his followers.

35- the hotel in Delhi’s Greater Kailash was purchased for Rs 30 Crore that the godman purchased the hotel with the money donated by his followers in Samagam and Daswant, As per media reports the current value of the hotel is Rs.35 Crore.

36- Earlier, The hotel was recognized as hotel Akshara and at present the hotel name has been changed to Nirmal Boutique Hotel.

37- Ex-Hotel owner Mr. Ashwani Kapoor said that Baba wanted to open the chain of Hotels across the country.

If God has created the world, all are same for him and all are his kids, thus why one kid will need an extra help to reach his own father, a father who is honest and kind.

As Nirmal Baba got the powers why he got the orders from the Court, he should pray and prayer will automatically change the thinking of people and people will start to think and write good things about Nirmal Baba.

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Sri Lanka government orders removal of Dambulla mosque

Sri Lanka’s government has ordered the removal of a mosque from an area it says is sacred to the country’s majority Buddhists.

Buddhist monks were involved in the protest

The order comes two days after Buddhist monks led a crowd trying to storm the mosque in the central town of Dambulla.

Prime Minister DM Jayaratne says the mosque has simply been ordered to relocate to another part of the area.

But the incident has angered senior Muslim politicians.

The BBC’s Charles Haviland in Colombo says this statement by the prime minister appears to have been issued in a hurry, a day before the various parties to this religious dispute were due to meet.

Buddhist monks in central Sri Lanka had threatened to demolish the mosque next week if the authorities did not act first. A special meeting to discuss the issue appears to have been convened on Sunday, and this statement was produced.

The statement listed four prominent Muslims as present at Sunday’s meeting agreeing to relocate the mosque – but according to a weekly Muslim paper, three of them say they were not there.

Cabinet minister AHM Fowzie told the BBC he had not been to such a gathering. He added that it would be acceptable to request such a relocation but not to order it.

Another politician of the governing party, Azath Sally, said that even if the mosque were illegal, people opposed to it should not “act like thugs”.

“Do Tamils and Muslims not have a right to live in this country now?” he added.

Mr Jayaratne, who is also responsible for the affairs of the country’s majority Buddhists, said he had ordered the mosque to be removed from a sacred area in Dambulla and that it could be relocated to “a suitable place in the neighborhood”.

He described it as a mosque which is in the process of being built and local Buddhists have reportedly said that a previously small structure is now being illegally expanded.

The chief of the mosque told the BBC Tamil service the building was legal and was simply being refurbished.

Our correspondent says that whereas Sri Lanka’s Muslim community normally shies away from confrontations with the government, this incident has angered some senior Muslims and prompted them to speak out.

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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Nirmal Baba,A Sikh God Man Exposed as Fraud By Media !

Assalam Alaykum Brother and sisters,

I want to share this news with every one, these days its Front Page News in India.Its about a God Man “Nirmal Baba” exposed by a News Paper Media . below im listing few important news related to Issue.Sikh brother and sisters kindly rememebr I’m not making any claims against Sikhism or Sikh,Just showing News.

Many people believe in Nirmal Baba who helps them cure their health, and gives them positive energy to remain fit. He has been linked into a controversy involving Godmen, as Rs 109 crore was found being deposited in two of his bank accounts in just three months, as per a report which has been published in Prabhat Khabar, a Jharkhand Daily on Friday.

As disclosed by the report, those who visit him, Nirmal Baba asks for 10 % of the salary for solutions to their problems. His bank account has been inspected thoroughly from where transactions are made from every part of the country.

The Income Tax department will check each of his various bank accounts. They are looking into whether he has cleared his taxes properly or not, whether his account has any foreign deposits, and if he has passed on any money to foreign countries.

It is said that Nirmal Baba makes a charge of Rs 2,000 from each participant who come to become a part of his commune, which is passed over to his three bank accounts- one each in Punjab National Bank, ICICI Bank and Yes Bank. Annually Nirmal Darbar has a total turnover estimation of approximately 84 crore rupees.

Nirmal Baba had transferred Rs 53 crores from one of these accounts into a private bank, as asserted by Prabhat Khabar. The newspaper assert that Rs 25 crore fixed deposit is beared by Nirmal Baba in a leading bank.

Baba holds two accounts- one in the name of Nirmaljeet Singh Narula (Nirmal Baba’s real name), and the other in the name of Nirmal Darbar.

According to Nirmal Baba, “This is truly a misconception; I’ve never asked people to deposit money in order to solve their problems. Our main focus is to lessen their problems; not to provide any amulet, talisman or good luck charm to our devotees; not to spread superstition.”

He added, “The allegations against me are baseless and I’m ready to experience a lie-detector test to prove myself. I have been quite regularly paying my income tax. My annual turnover is Rs 235 crore.”

Nirmal Baba has confessed that the money that his devotees deposit is used by him only in the expenditure of samagams and advertising purposes. As per their wish, people send money to his account.

Nirmal Baba DIDN’T REPLIED Star News Channel :

Video Content  :

this video says Star News Channel tried to contact nirmal baba and asked to reply 10 question answers ,but He Didn;t replied anything to them .

they sent Letters via Courier,
Speed post,
By Hand ,
sent email,
they sent letter to his office and 2 homes in delhi

yet no replies.

Solution of problems :

this is very interesting topic in this news, the solutions are amazing .

In this video a lady asks , baba i am ill these days what should i do, and baba suggest him to go to branded beauty parlours . how come a lady will get rid out of illness by visiting a beauty parlor.

In another shot , i saw a guy asking baba a problem and baba suddenly replies – Do you have hot suite , he replied yes, baba said from where did you get it tailored , he replied baba from a tailor beside my home, then baba suggest him to go to branded tailor and get it done from their and every problem will be solved.


  • Buy a Black Wallet to be rich.
  • Buy a Solid Suitcase to solve problems
  • Buy Godrej Brand Lock to solve your problems
  • Eating Gol Gappa create problem,
  • Drink Orange Juice to solve your problem.
  • Eat Sweats to Solve Problems
  • Start using CD-Player to solve your problems.

yes,these are the solutions given by Nirmal Baba to his followers.

`Pol Khol Darbar` against Nirmal Baba

People United together to Expose Nirmal Baba in Nagpur.

Nirmal Baba having fake Facebook fans

BHOPAL :  Nowadays we are getting to hear only one name that is Nirmal Baba call himself as God-man. According to reports he has many fake fans in social networking site Facebook.

As per the news is concerned, Nirmaljeet Singh Narula’s fan following is increasing day-by-day from the time he got into the controversies.

If you look into the social networking site “Facebook” there are two communities in the name Nirmal Baba. One of the communities has around 13 lakh members though the page is still pending for updates since Sept 2011. Recently in March 27,773 members joined that page and in April 11,747 members, which is un-expectable.


Nirmal Baba used donations to buy Rs 1.8 cr flat, hotels

Self-proclaimed godman, Nirmal Baba bought Rs 1.8 crore worth flat and hotels using the money donated by his followers.

Nirmal Baba bought hotel worth Rs 30 crore in Delhi’s Greater Kailash Area using the money donated to him by his devotees, said a Jharkhand daily.

According to the former owner of the hotel, Nirmal Baba wanted to open a chain of hotels.

The former owner, from whom the godman bought Rs 1.8 crore flat, also revealed that the flat was purchased from devotees’ money.

Reports reveal that Nirmal Baba transferred the money to the former owner’s account to buy the flat.


What You think , Is he Fraud ?Share Your Views in Cmnts

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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Sri Lankan mosque forced to abandon prayers by Buddist protesters

A mosque in Sri Lanka has been forced to abandon Friday prayers amid community tensions in the central town of Dambulla.

Buddhist monks were involved in the protest

About 2,000 Buddhists, including monks, marched to the mosque and held a demonstration demanding its demolition.

A mosque official told the BBC he and several dozen companions were trapped inside and feared the crowd would destroy the building.

Overnight the mosque had been targeted by a fire-bombing – no-one was hurt.

The BBC’s Charles Haviland in Colombo says the tensions have been growing in the neighbourhood.

Shortly after the protest the mosque was evacuated and its Friday prayers cancelled.

Many Buddhists regard Dambulla as a sacred town and in recent months there had been other sectarian tensions in this part of Sri Lanka, our correspondent says.

Last September a monk led a crowd to demolish a Muslim shrine in Anuradhapura, not far from Dambulla.

Buddhism is the religion of the majority of the population in Sri Lanka.

Source : BBC

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