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How to Gain Khushu in Salah

Posted on: March 18, 2010

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

How to Gain Khushu in Salah

What is Khushu’?

Khushu’ during Salah is misunderstood by some people as crying and weeping. Rather, it is the presence of the heart during an act of ‘Ibadah. When a person’s heart is fully occupied of what he says or hears, he is in a true state of Khushu’. The concept of Khushu’ in Salah is very essential.

1- It is a vital factor in making a person successful in this life and in later life.

“Indeed, the believers, who have Khushu’ in their Salah, are the winners.” [Noble Quran 23:1-2]

2-It is a contributing factor for the acceptance of Salah.

3- It is a way to gain more rewards from the Almighty Allah; the more the Khushu’ a person has, the more rewards he gets.

4- Without Khushu’ the heart cannot easily be purified.

Ways to Gain Khushu’

A. Pre-Salah

  1. A Muslim should know his Lord very well. Knowing whom one worships makes a person a better worshipper. Having clear and authentic knowledge about Allah increases His love in our hearts. Consequently, faith also increases.
  2. Avoiding major and minor sins is very helpful in gaining Khushu’, as the heart becomes more receptive to the words of Allah during and after Salah.
  3. Reciting the Quran frequently and consistently softens the hearts and prepares it for Khushu’. Hard hearts do not gain Khushu’.
  4. Minimize attachment to worldly matters. Gearing one’s intentions towards the Afterlife helps against the temptations of life.
  5. Avoid excessive laughter and useless arguments as they harden the heart and lead to heedlessness.
  6. Stop working as soon as you hear the Adhan. When you listen attentively to the call of Salah repeat after the muezzin then offer the relevant supplication. This prepares you for a smooth transition from the business with worldly matters to the business with Salah.
  7. Performing Wudu’ immediately after hearing the Adhan prepares you for the pending Salah. Wudu’ also works as a buffer zone before engaging in Salah.
  8. Going to the mosque early for praying and continuing mention of Allah drives Satan away and help gain concentration.
  9. The waiting time for the congregational Salah helps create a buffer zone between the state of mind before Salah and the state of during Salah.

B. During Salah

  1. The Iqamah itself is a final signal to the mind to be well prepared for performing the actual Salah. Remember what the messenger of Allah said to Bilal “Let us enjoy the comfort of the Salah.”
  2. When you stand facing the Qiblah remember the following:

a. It might be the last Salah in your life. There is no guarantee to live longer to catch the next Salah.

b. You are standing between the hands of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. How can you be busy with something else?

c. The angel of death is chasing you.

3- Do not forget to make Isti’adthah. It wards off Satan’s whispers.

4- Keep your eyes focused on the place of Sujud. This helps you gain more concentration.

5- When reciting the Fatihah, try to recall the response of Allah to you after every Ayah you say. (When you say: “al-Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin) Allah responds: “My servant praised me.” etc. This feeling of speaking to Allah puts you in the right mood of Khushu’.

6- Beautifying the recitation of the Quran has a positive impact on the heart.

7- Recite the Quran slowly and reflect upon its meaning deeply.

8- It is recommended to change the Surah that your recite from time to time to avoid the mechanic-like state of repetition.

9- Alternate between the various authentic Sunan such as proclaiming a different opening supplication in every Salah.

10- Undoubtedly, understanding Arabic helps you focus on the intended meaning.

11- Interact with the recited Ayahs;

a. if you hear an Ayah about Allah, glorify Him by saying “Subhanallah”;

b. If you hear an Ayah about Hellfire, say “A’udthu Billahi Minan-Nar”.

c. If you hear a command to make Istighfar, do it.

d. If you hear an Ayah that requests Tasbih, make Tasbih.

12- These forms of interactions are very helpful in keeping you focused.

13- When you prostrate, remember that this position brings you closer to Allah. Seize the opportunity to make sincere Du’a’. Invest these moments in making sincere supplications.

C- Post-Salah

1. When you make Taslim, make Istighfar to Allah as you might have made during Salah.

2. When you praise Allah, thank Him from the bottom of your heart that you have experienced the beauty of Salah in your heart. Getting used to this habit prepares your for the next Salah, as you will always be eager to focus in your prayer.

3. One perfection leads to another perfection. If some one perfects his Salah once, he would be self-motivated to continue on the same level.

Dr. Mamdouh N. Mohamed
Associate Professor at the American Open University

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9 Responses to "How to Gain Khushu in Salah"

dear brother assalamu alikum
it is a wonderful summary about how to gain the kashoo in the salah and u have touched all
the aspects .alhumdullah
my point of view is if the meaning is understood what ever we resite in the salah will be more helpfull to bring kshoo in salah.becoze when we know the in depth meaning of fathia and the sura and tashahud etc we can bring more concentration in salah


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Jazak ALLaHu khyran bro….lovely notes…


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only one request,add source back link…pls..!


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