ISLAM—World's Greatest Religion!

If Allah had given me good health…[True Story]

Posted on: February 19, 2010

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

If Allah had given me good health…[True Story]

Many are those whom Allah blessed with hearing, seeing and power and youthfulness and yet they fail to use these blessings to seek Allah’s pleasure and His abode of Honour, and they fail to use them in what can bring about happiness in this world and the Hereafter. They forgot that the bane of blessing is removal.

There are many healthy people who are later weighed down by diseases that lead them to early old age and prevent them from enjoying what they desire.

There are others who spent their youthful days in forbidden things and desires; they did not seek the pleasure of their Lord or put forth good deeds by which they can attain happiness when they meet Him. Theirs is a loss upon loss and regret upon regret. This is because they wasted the opportunities provided for them.

The dunya is like an agricultural ground for the hereafter. And this world is a place to do business where the profit is returned to you in the hereafter. So whoever uses his time and his health in obedience to Allah then he is ” Magbooth” and whoever uses it in sin and disobedience to Allah then he is ” Magboon” because free time is wasted by work and health is wasted by illness.

The Prophet (salalahu alahi wa salam) said

” Two blessings that most people do not take heed of , health and spare time.”

(Bukhari 11/229,6412)

This is True story ,it may change your life, way of thinking and aims in life.

It is a story of a person from Bahrain named Ibrahim Nasser. He has been paralyzed completely since birth and can only move his head and fingers. Even his breathing is done with the help of instruments.

It was the wish of this young man to meet sheik Nabeel Al-Awdi. So Ibrahim’s father spoke the sheik on the phone in order to arrange a visit to Ibrahim.

This is sheik Nabeel in the airport.

Ibrahim was very happy to see sheik Nabeel open the door to his room. We can only see his happiness from his expression as he is unable to speak .

The moment sheik Nabeel entered Ibrahim’s room

And this is Ibrahim’s expression on meeting sheik Nabeel

Notice the breathing instrument around Ibrahim’s neck.. he is unable to even breath normally.

And a kiss on the forehead for Ibrahim

Ibrahim with his father, uncle and sheik Nabeel

Thus sheik Nabeel and Ibrahim started talking about da’wa on the internet and the striving it requires.
They also exchanged some stories

And during their conversation sheik Nabeel asked Ibrahim a question. A question that made Ibrahim weep… and tears rolled down Ibrahim’s cheek.

Ibrahim couldn’t help but weep when he remembered some painful memories

Here sheik Nabeel wipes the tears from Ibrahim’s face

Do you know what question it was that made Ibrahim weep?

The sheik asked: Oh Ibrahim.. if Allah had given you health.. what would you have done?

And thus Ibrahim wept bitterly and he made the sheik, his father, his uncle and everyone in the room weep even the camera man wept And his answer was:

By Allah i would have performed my salah (prayer) in the masjid (mosque) with joy.. i would have used the favor of health in everything that would please Allah Subhanehu we Ta’ala.

Dear brothers and sisters Allah has favored us with agility and health,But still we do not perform our salah in the masjid and on right time.think about this…

May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala make us from those who perform salah daily on right time and seek Allah blessings! Ameeen

Jazak Allah Khair for reading.


slave of ALLAH!

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17 Responses to "If Allah had given me good health…[True Story]"

Mashallah what a story may Allah sbt give you all the happiness in the world and hereafter ameen.


asalam alaikum,

this is a masterpiece…. i were searching the net to find some good solution to my problems (hardships of life) and came through your blog… i feel now that allah (swt) has been so merciful to me and i have been so ungrateful to him. by allah i have never seen such a faith as this little boy has on allah. may allah bless ibrahim with the highest place in jannah. my problem seems nothing rather i feel my tests and trials of life are nothing as what ibrahim has been giving. i will always try my level best to be as this litlle boy ibrahim insha allah. every time something pricks my heart i am sure ibrahim is surely going to b a living source of encouragement to me.

may allah bless you for sharing such an encouraging article that has moved my heart so much that my tears dont stop flowing from my eyes.


by allah it’s true……


By Allah this article had me weeping.. Ya Allah shukr a ton 4 providing me with good health and gim’e the hidaya 2 continue reading all my salah zikr on tym inshAllah.. Ameen!


insha allah


wishing a good health for Ibrahim & May Allah give the sense of realization to those who are still sunk in the realm of colourful & perishable fake world


Alhamdollilah.This story teaches u about the imporatnce of prayers.Basically Salah is a special gift from Allah.Those who take it and respect it ,they will be successful in this world(life) as well as in that world(after death).Its temporary world. everyone has to go from this world.Salah gives you satisfaction(mentally & physically),if u are satisfy than you will be good in your physical and mental health.Try to perfom your prayers daily.Always remeber me in your prayers.Allah Hafiz


We should always pray for good health.Good post…keep posting.


Thanks to ALLAH, what he gave to me….
Nice note..


Nice posting….Its very interesting for me…keep good work…


Dear publishers, It’s not a story.but this is a kind lesson for everyone.May allah bless us for
sirathal musthaqeem


jazakallah ibrahim bcoz u hv shown us allah’s best.


Your story really touch me. I will try my best to pray 5 times a day. I wish for you hapiness and simple pleasures in ur life, may Allah have mercy on you. Have a nice day Ibrahim! Greetingz from Canada.


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very very nice, and mind opening statement, may Allah some time in his kife time gave him shiffa a d completely good health, at least the one wish he menction that he is going to offer salah in masjid ans keep Allah blesssing, what a good answer, he did not ask any thing other then the cream of suppose to me every one wish, may Allah gave him shifffa, ammin


We should always pray for good health.Good post…keep posting.


Assalamu’alaiku my name is Ibrahim Mbaka i am 22 yrs n i am a citizen of Nigeria. Pls i reali need help of prayer i am sick with my body something came out on the side of my neck n side of my ear. I have been taking drugz for three month but yet pls if u have any help me.The muslim brother. Here my number +2348068131277.Thanks n May ALLAH help us all n have mercy on us.Amen.


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