ISLAM—World's Greatest Religion!

New Converted Muslim top singer Michal Jackson Died!

Posted on: June 26, 2009

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

New Converted Muslim top singer Michal Jackson Died


he must be very lucky,that before his death he converted to Islam ….

May Allah forgive his sins and  give him a place in Jannah!



few Peoples are Still in confusion that He didn’t converted to Islam…

What You think , He converted to Islam or Not  ?


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11 Responses to "New Converted Muslim top singer Michal Jackson Died!"

Images and naats are fake. I don’t know he accepted islam or not. Might be useful data for your site.


thanks for sharing brother…may i ask something ..

Are you muslim ?

If you are then do let me know can you help in Dawah Work…

Please do let me know..!

thank you!


I Have a Audio singed by Micheal Jackson named “Give Thanks to Allah”.
Though it is a doubtfulness topic, I believe it.


And the lawyer of Micheal Jackson, Famous lawyer, Millionaire Mark Shepher accepted Islam.
You can check, I am giving you a link:


whether he converted or converted not is of no benefit to any of us nor for ISLAM in particular. Tell me what it is that he left behind that is worth celebatory as a muslim? Tell me. There is not an iota. Converting to islam does mean dying a muslim this further. I would be glad if he is not assocated with muslims nor islam, cause he was not around to condemn his old doings. Or is it he plastic surgering his phenotype that is celebatory; sorry that total againts the revelation. Was it not revealed that man can not alter the creation of Allah S.W.A, of course he went to the contrary.MOST IMPORTANT FROM WHOSE HANDS DID HE ACCEPT SHAHADDA, IDENTIFY HIM AND SAVE YOURSELF THE UNWARRANTED CONTROVERSY. Ma’asalam.


i am still thinkin he should have turned to islam


it was a controvercy after his death that some says tha he is a christian and some says that few time ago he was converted to ISLAM allah knows better about him but we should pray for him if he was a muslim that ALLAH forgive his all the sins which he done bocoz ALLAH IS THE MOST MERCIFULL. AMEEN


54 % says YES

32% says May be/May not be

14 % says NO !


If you can show some document(either video or audio) it would be more realistic.


very nice to blogs tanks admin


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