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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

“Journey to Mecca for Hajj 2010 – by bicycle…”

Two young South Africans have pedaled their way to Saudi Arabia to perform this year’s Haj. Nathim Cairncross, 28, and Imtiyaz Ahmad Haron, 25, both from Cape Town, said on arrival at the Saudi border before reaching Tabuk that they felt happy they were fulfilling their dream of performing Haj. “Pedaling our way to the Kingdom from Cape Town was a grueling experience. We wanted to travel this way so that we are prepared to experience the rigors of performing the pilgrimage,” Cairncross, a town planner by profession, told Arab News over the telephone on Monday night.

The idea began as a hypothetical situation – what would happen if a few friends attempted to bicycle from their home in South Africa to the Muslim holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia in time for the annual Hajj pilgrimage?

Twelve countries, nine months and untold kilometres of freshly traveled earth behind them, thehypothetical has become a reality for Cape Town residents Nathim Cairncross, 28, and Imtiyaz Ahmad Haron, 25.

The two pedalled their way across the Saudi border in late October, arriving nearly three weeks before the official start of the Hajj, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca.

The pilgrimage, which falls during the last month of the Islamic calendar and begins on November 14 this year, is a rite that forms one of the five pillars of Islam and is mandatory for able-bodied Muslims of means at least once in their lifetime.

The two began planning their journey in December, shortly after Haron floated the idea to Cairncross, his friend of nearly seven years. Haron had been reading up on the Hajj, which draws about two million Muslims to Saudi Arabia annually.

Inspired by the stories of pilgrims that had made the arduous journey to Mecca before him, Haron decided that he wanted to join their ranks and enlisted Cairncross to come along – with a twist. The two would make the trek using only their bicycles.

“In life there’s a consistent principle for me,” Cairncross told Al Jazeera.

“If I work very hard for something, at the end of the day it’s sweeter; I value it more. After nine months [cycling] through Africa and the Middle East – of course, I value it more.”

Training for the trek

Their journey began on February 7, on a cold and rainy morning at a mosque in Cape Town, where nearly 500 people had gathered to bid them farewell and pray for their well being.

Escorted about 70km out of town by local cycling clubs supporting their effort, the two were then left alone to traverse the road ahead using their maps, their bicycles and sheer determination.

“This is our first Haj. We could have come for Haj by plane, but it was our cherished desire to travel differently, so we chose to use our bicycles, as cycling is what we both love the most,” Cairncross said.

Both pedaled 80 to 100 km daily and took rest in mosques or tents after dusk and set out again after dawn. “People have been very cooperative and courteous. At every place that we passed through, they welcomed us and were happy to know that we were going for Haj. Food was never a problem as people took delight in offering us the choicest dishes. Of course, it was tiresome to pedal throughout the journey, especially when negotiating mountainous regions,” Cairncross added.

Language was a big problem for both of them. “Once we entered the Arab countries, we decided to pick up Arabic, especially while traveling through Syria and Jordan. This suited us well when we reached the Saudi border where the security officials were very friendly and welcomed and greeted us. They were also happy to know that we have undertaken this arduous journey to fulfill our Haj dream,” Cairncross said. “We came with a very small budget and we found to our delight there were people readily prepared to offer us the local cash and meet our needs.”

Both did not encounter any serious problem on their way through nine countries in the course of their nine-month journey. “All we did was to change tires and tubes, and fix the pedal chain from time to time.

“We’re not professional bike riders,” Cairncross said. “But we did physical training – increased exercises – two months before, going up the mountains [of Cape Town], running on the beach, swimming.”

Even as they trained for the trek, Haron and Cairncross also had to combat the naysayers, who discouraged them from embarking on the ride, and others who did not think the two would go through with the plan.

Undaunted, the friends plotted their itinerary, consulted the South African traffic department to ensure they could use the roads, researched visa entry rules, and sought medical advice from doctors, who “diagnosed us as crazy”, the two said.

Word soon began to spread of their plan, and their story caught the attention of local radio stations. Once their journey began, those stations kept in touch with the riders, calling them periodically to check in on how the ride was progressing, and reporting back to listeners in Cape Town.

The support helped buoy them through their long journey, across Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and the green peaks of Malawi.

Kindness of strangers

They cycled 80-100km per day, starting after the pre-dawn Muslim prayer, and stopping at night at hotels, campsites, or mosques, where they would tell their story to welcoming listeners who would then invite them to stay the night and eat a meal.

They made friends along the way – locals, other cyclists and tourists curious about their journey.  Haron and Cairncross welcomed the curiosity, seeing it as an opportunity to explain Islam, Hajj, and why they intended to perform the pilgrimage.

“On the ground you can speak to the people,” Cairncross said.

“You get an opportunity that traveling by plane or car you don’t get. And you learn much more, you discover much more about yourself. It was an existential experience.”

However, speaking to people posed a challenge in some countries, where the number of English-speakers was few, and language represented a barrier. Refusing to let that hinder them, Haron and Cairncross began to pick up the basics of the languages they encountered, consulting with locals and researching when they could find an internet connection.

In addition to the language barriers, the two faced minor technical problems – tire punctures, broken chains, and cushion malfunctions. But they said safety was never an issue, and despite their limited budget they always managed to find food and shelter.

Africa to Asia

From Malawi, the friends cycled through Tanzania, visiting the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, before heading to Kenya and the border of Ethiopia.

But it was at that border that Haron and Cairncross faced their first major obstacle of the trip. The two had planned to travel through Ethiopia and into Sudan, but border authorities denied their exit from Kenya into the east African country, leaving the friends temporarily stranded, and without a plan.

After myriad calls to South African embassy officials and a hasty refiguring of their original plan, Haron and Cairncross booked plane tickets and flew to Turkey, determined to complete their mission despite the slight hiccup.

They spent the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan traveling through Turkey, from Istanbul and Ankara to Gaziantep, one of the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world.

From Turkey, they cycled to Aleppo and Damascus in Syria, where they were pleasantly surprised by the depth of Syrian hospitality as children ran up to their bicycles and invited them home to lunch.

Mercy from the skies

Then it was on to Jordan – with a 24-hour trip to the city of Jerusalem to visit Masjid al-Aqsa  – before heading back over the Allenby Bridge connecting Israel and the Palestinian territories to the Jordanian border. After biking the rugged hills of Petra and riding past the Dead Sea, the two at last cycled through the Arabian desert and over the Jordanian border into Saudi Arabia in late October.

“At the Tabuk border, we ran into three generals at the border post, and they were very impressed with our trip,” Cairncross said.

“So they made things easy for us, processed our visas, and while that was happening, they took us to their office, allowed us to sleep over and eat breakfast.”

With a stop in Medina, Haron and Cairncross finally made it to Mecca, under heavy grey skies reminiscent of the day that they set out on their trip. The two friends have not yet decided how they will get back to Cape Town – and they are soliciting donations to help defer some of those costs, including a bid to sell their bicycles when the trip is over.

However, despite the uncertainty of the future, they said they knew the trip was more than worth the effort when they stepped foot into the confines of Mecca.

“It was an incredible feeling,” Cairncross said.

“It was storming when we got to Mecca, with thunder and lightening. But we were so keen to get in, to see the Kaaba for the first time.

“Making tawaf (the circulation around the Kaaba) with your ihram (unstitched garments worn by pilgrims) soaking through – the rain was like mercy coming down on us. Not that we’re special, but it felt like, God willing, our efforts were accepted.”

Asked why they chose to ride bicycles, Cairncross said: “This gives us a lot of opportunity to meet and interact with different people in different countries. Additionally, we continued with our Dawa work wherever we stopped for our overnight stays.”

Both Cairncross and Haron are students of Islamic law and have studied Shariah. “I joined a university and completed a course in town planning and am working in the field of construction,” Cairncross said.

Both of them are single and love sports. While Cairncross is interested in wind surfing along beaches and seas, Haron, an economics graduate, excels in kickboxing and mountain climbing.

After the pilgrimage, both propose to return home via West Africa.

Message from Admin(King-slaveofAllah for readers) :

Assalam Alaykum,

Many peoples didn’t know about this news, an inspiring and motivational real story,

I have seen Many times while in discussions  Islam haters  says “no media don’t play with Islam and Muslims”.

Is not this News is  Hot and Unique ? A kind of story media like to spread…but I checked and have seen that Very few selected Websites displaying this news….

My Question is WHY ?

Why not Media Covering this News?

Why Not Media spreading this news…

Why not media and news agency promoting this news ?


This is the way media play with Muslims news.

for example…

If any Muslim will kill a mouse in south Africa jungle. Inside a cave. Then that news will spread in whole world like fire.

Every kind of media will spread news as well as news readers too.

But if a Muslim will do something good. then the same media will ignore such news…Ofcource becoz it will show good view of Islam and muslims.


I remember few years back an uneducated, miss guided Muslim boy said in India “I will kill my parents for the sake of Allah.” Then everyone spread this news in whole world.

But Millions times Zakir Naik said “Islam doesn’t promote terrorism”.

His statement was called as lie by many unbelievers. And indeed media don’t promote his statements….

Why?? not Only one but many double standard Media and West do against Islam and Muslims,

To view more double standard click here.

But we slaves of Allah will promote such news. We will spread truth about Islam.we will spread true message of Islam.

I want to know “Are you with me????

Then share this inspiring story with all your friends and family.If You have a blog post this story in your blog…

hope to get ur support InshahAllah,

Spread the message,Spread the Islam…


slave of Allah

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