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Contact King-slaveofallah

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Contact King-slaveofallah

Assalam Alaykum Brother and Sisters,

Now if you want to contact me,you have to follow few steps.

if you will follow these steps,after receiving your email Gmail will highlight for me..

Steps :

1) Login in your email account(gmail,yahoo,hotmail,etc) .

2) Compose New Message

3) In To field add

4)In subject field YOU MUST ADD “IGR-Help” keyword (uppercase,lowercase is not imp)

5) In Body “Write your problem/thanks msg”

6) click on send button , to send me.

if email subject don;t have above given keyword, i will loose ur email.

I will inshahAllah reply you soon as possible at-least wait for 24 hrs…

If you still face problem,then please write in this page comments.

i will reply soon,InshahAllah

JazakAllah khair


slave of Allah swt

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18 Responses to "Contact King-slaveofallah"

To be a good Muslim, starts from being A good person


I really like this n helpfull. Jzk


bro my sister had a dream my dead husband is asking to speak to me


AOA I sent you an email I need answer according to my question please help me. Thanks


i m waiting your reply.



Use Full name…bro,,King-slaveofAllah

What Reply >? did u sent me anything ?


As-Salaam Alaikum,

I sent a very interesting article through your contact gmail address, but for some reason it did’nt work. I’m not really sure why. Shall I send it to you again?



Salaam Alaikum,

I found an extremely interesting and inspirational article, about the Holy Qur’an from a website, and I thought it’ll be a very good idea to post in this website. So, what I did, I copied the article and I followed the instructions above on how to send it, but then after I sent it, somehow it did not work. I sent it last month. Although to be honoust I haved to say that it was pretty confusing to follow the instructions above……..because I have never sent an article before. So shall I send it again? what if the same thing happens? the article is extremely good and every Muslim should read it. Or else, if it does’nt work again, then I might just copy and paste it in to this comment boxes. Sounds like a good idea.


wa’aleeykum assalaam
ani kanin beeku afaan oromoo tii afaan oromooti dhiheessaa baaye itti gammadaa


Plz make dua for me. Im maried for 5 yrs and suffering high BP from pregnqncy and is still high. My son is having genetic disorder namd as nephrogenic dibetes insipidus. My very sad and having soo much tension on my life. My husband is having too much debt. His family is not nice, they want us to live with them. Thrs too much house work der. Plz pray that i live happily from noq on and get settled with my husband in gulf. Plz plz make dua. I too will make dua for all of u.


InshaAllah..dear sis,,..everything vl b f9 soon,,,vl pray 4 u…:))
with Allah is endless hope..& rewards…!!


Khair, Inshallah habeebti 🙂


Don’t worry sister dear, Inshallah you’ll be good. I will surely make Du’a for you my dear.


If you are on the true path of Islam then we are with you .


I can;t judge my self… but may be this site can help you to know more about my intentions.


I can;t judge my self… but may be this site can help you to know more about my intentions.


I can;t judge my self… but may be this site can help you to know more about my intentions.


obvio…king’s intentions r clear..acc 2 me…kudos 2 u…king bro!!
the article on Marriage with Aisha ra…was really knowledgeable..:))


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