ISLAM—World's Greatest Religion!

Islam —- World’s Greatest Religion !


Islam (Arabic: الإسلام; al-‘islām (help·info)) is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion originating with the teachings of Muhammad, a 7th century Arab religious and political figure. The word Islam means “submission”, or the total surrender of oneself to God (Arabic: الله, Allāh).[1] An adherent of Islam is known as a Muslim, meaning “one who submits (to God)”.[2][3] There are between 1.2 billion to 1.8 billion Muslims, making Islam the second-largest religion in the world after Christianity.[4]

Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad, God’s final prophet, and regard the Qur’an and the Sunnah (words and deeds of Muhammad) as the fundamental sources of Islam.[5] They do not regard Muhammad as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Islamic tradition holds that Jews and Christians distorted the revelations God gave to these prophets by either altering the text, introducing a false interpretation, or both.[6]

Islam includes many religious practices. Adherents are generally required to observe the Five Pillars of Islam, which are five duties that unite Muslims into a community.[7] In addition to the Five Pillars, Islamic law (sharia) has developed a tradition of rulings that touch on virtually all aspects of life and society. This tradition encompasses everything from practical matters like dietary laws and banking to warfare.[8]

Almost all Muslims belong to one of two major denominations, the Sunni (85%) and Shi’a (15%). The schism developed in the late 7th century following disagreements over the religious and political leadership of the Muslim community. Islam is the predominant religion throughout the Middle East, as well as in parts of Africa and Asia. Large communities are also found in China, the Balkan Peninsula in Eastern Europe and Russia. There are also large Muslim immigrant communities in other parts of the world such as Western Europe. About 20% of Muslims live in Arab countries.[9]

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268 Responses to "Islam —- World’s Greatest Religion !"

i love islam and may Allah help me to sevre it with all my whole life “Amin”


i love islam and may Allah help me to sevre it with all my whole life “Amen”


I love Islam ….Islam is always great religion .. allha her muslman ko jannat nasib farmaye .amin


I love Islam




We are Muslims we love Allah and we believe there is only 1 God and Mohamed (saww) is his messenger. We do not need to listen to these people who call us things we know we are not. So don’t worry as long as you have Allah in you’re heart! You are headed to the right place 🙂


people will never test the sweetness of islam, unless they learn it with open heart, and they can learn by reading the qur’an,not what the media preaches them


Islam the best religion -no segregation regarding to colour,race, rank etc Muslims believe in one Almighty God(Allah), If there could be many gods then misunderstanding should have risen between them.


Islam is as good, as your English spelling, but is the room for improvement …all the best.


islam is d bst relign in d world n truest relign n purest relign in d world..our islam dsn’t gve prmssn to us that we do ego or show attitde on our relign..islam is d simplst n bst relign..i proud to b muslim…subhanallah n allhumdulillah….


islam is d bst relign in d world n truest relign n purest relign in d world..our islam dsn’t gve prmssn to us that we do ego or show attitde on our relign..islam is d simplst n bst relign..i proud to b muslim…allhumdulillah….


Somewhere in Book of Revelation, Bible , Lord said : I will come as Thief, in black and white…to be thief, it means to be criminal , in every human morality….or spiritual criminal, like Lord Krishna, killing all existing demons of His time….all the best.


I just wana tell you all guyz …. Astagfirullah…If there is more then one God..every thing in this universe is destroyed…


Islam is d grt rlign of d world. ….coz…only one religion …that is called Islam…is d true religion.. Nd clear show d rule of life living…


i thank almighty allah that born me in muslims.i want to advice you please hold religion of muslim with two hands and please i want to ask the peoples that are not muslims who create the sky,moon,stars,land,and stone is it the idols that you create by your hand or what think please is only Allah(s.w.t)that said in the qur,an that he is the one who creat that things and think please the first person in the world creat him or how was he came to this world? think pls


Hinduism is the oldest religion not Islam. It doesn’t matter what religion is new or old, its about being human first then everything else after that. It doesn’t matter who performed more miracles than the other religion. Everyone has thier own stories just let people be. Islam statistically is growing because they have more babies than anyone else – fact. I don’t think anyone has the right to punish anyone apart from god. Why do people commit such things in the name of religion because they think they will get shining stars by converting people, oh please what a selfless act (sarcasm).
Sikhism is the most upto date religion and then we can say that they were the last words of god because like everything else in the world, everything and everyone advances. Its a religion who has given equality to all. It believes in one god and had 10 prophets who strived and gave up their lives for humanity after so many years of brutality received. Every religion has miracles, and no religion is false so just let everyone be. We can only differentiate people from good and bad, not by whose religion we are and who we believe in. Wake up and smell the coffee and look at the bigger picture. Religion is like Chinese whispers you will never get the proper sayings or meaning. One word can mean a 100 meanings, which meaning will you go by?


//Hinduism is the oldest religion not Islam. It doesn’t matter what religion is new or old, its about being human first then everything else after that. It doesn’t matter who performed more miracles than the other religion. Everyone has thier own stories just let people be. Islam statistically is growing because they have more babies than anyone else – fact. I don’t think anyone has the right to punish anyone apart from god. Why do people commit such things in the name of religion because they think they will get shining stars by converting people, oh please what a selfless act (sarcasm).//

Well,yes i understand your views,however muslims have different beleifs.We believe that islam started when first man Adam was sent on earth.thats why muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad is not first prophet of Islam,but Last Prophet.Islam didn;t started by Muhammad.

having this belief does not mean,i ignore humanity.

//Islam statistically is growing because they have more babies than anyone else – fact.//

Oh,Common brother in humanity,this was old story,always muslims move with there situations.

all my relatives have 1 + 1..we want to give them best..this is just rumor that muslims have lots of babies.


I converted to islam. before that I was Christian. oh people people especially Christians.may allah open your eyes, ears. and your heart
you are in clear mistake you define God as simple thing you’ve less respect to God almighty. You make him three. the only religion in the world who worships The one and only God. is islam. u say God is three but it is one. I don’t know this type of maths. Allah loves you and he shows straight root for all of us.


u were not a true christian better u left……….


I am proud to be a muslim. Islam is the greatest religion of the world. We belive that, ”There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is His Prophet.”


i not say every one is bad people in islam. but 35-40% are bad in islam. and 50% people is not good for other religion they not give respect to other religion because of his culture.


Islam is the very first religion in this world & exist since the birth of Hazrat Aadam (A.S) when there was no other religion was exist.


No, Muhammad is NOT a prophet, he married 11 women and little Aisha, and he killed many people. Jesus was virgin born and never killed anyone.


Is this condition in bible,those who have 11 wife can’t be prophet ? pls show us


Hey christian person, Do you know the whole history of Muhammad (S)?
If you read this history, you could realize everything…and, for your illiteracy you are telling history and come google to comment.


dont read name my holy prophet muhammad SAWW with your bloody mouth.


Well then that comment dismantles your believe system as a christian.

There are many prophets in the bible who had more than one wife.

1) Abraham had 2 wives
2) Solomon 700 wives, 300 concubines
3)David =8 wives….. Etc

Again wrong jesus (may peace be upon him) said in the bible: Luke 19:27 ” but those mine enemies, which would not that I reign over them, bring them forth and slay them before me ”

Your bible preachers jihad as well but unlike you, we don’t shy away from our teachings,we don’t choose what we like and don’t like from our scriptures. We accept it as is it is




he did not kill anyone by his hand nor he took revenge on anybody for personal reasons he always forgave even his bitterest enemies he fought wars for the sake of Allah,spread Islam and maintain peace.he did not allow killing of women and children even during war.he married most of the women to help them as most of them were poor.he was always just to his wives.


How dare you, you… I’m speechless!!!!!


islam is always a great religion, but some muslims can’t understand clearly


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