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Posts Tagged ‘MuslimahPride

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Topless Tunisian protester at the center of controversy

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Conflicting reports on the whereabouts of a young Tunisian woman have circulated following her participation in the “sextremist” collective, Femen. On March 11, Amina Tyler, a 19 year-old Tunisian posed for Femen. Marking the organisation’s presence in the North African country, Tyler posed semi-nude with the words “My body belongs to me, it is not the source of anyone’s honour” written across her torso.

Adel Almi, leader of the conservative religious organisation Moderate Associate for Awareness and Reform, told Assabah News that her actions deserved 80-100 lashes, but may also warrant death by stoning. Following his comments, Femen representatives told Tunisian and international media that they had lost contact with Tyler and feared her missing.

The Girl Who started all this..

The Girl Who started all this..

Femen France: After we received this information, Femen activists tried to contact the young Tunisian to no avail. Her phone has been off. We fear for her life.

Femen representatives added that they were told Tyler had been taken to a psychiatric ward, a detail picked up by several media outlets including France 24 and PolicyMic.

In an interview with Tunisia Live, Tyler’s lawyer, Bouchra Bel Haj Hmida, denied those claims:

She is not missing and “has never been in a psychiatric facility,” Bel Haj Hmida told Tunisia Live, contradicting reports that surfaced last week and have been widely circulated on the internet.

Femen France: We still do not know where to find Amina. We hope that she is alive and well. We are committed, we show our support through our topless photos and we deliver a clear message to the Islamists: we will seek her out and we will continue to protest! We will not let them oppress women’s bodies by hiding and locking them!
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Still, some take issue with Tyler’s form of protest, and Femen’s message altogether. @YaminZakaria responded to the spectacle:
On Facebook, Ahmed Medien wondered why so much media attention has been given to Tyler and not the accomplishments of other Tunisian women:
It takes one topless Tunisian young lady to make the buzz now in Huffington Posts, now, worldwide. Another Tunisian lady just won the chemistry worldwide Olympiad and was awarded the title of best innovator of the year 2013.
What u think about Tyler’s participation in the Femen campaign? Tell us in the comments below.
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In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Muslim women send message to Femen [News]


Muslim women have launched a campaign to send a message to “sextremist” collective Femen. “Muslimah Pride Daywas organized in response to Femen’s self-declared “Topless Jihad Day”, a day of topless protests around the world to support Tunisian Femen activist Amina Tyler.


The organisers of the counter-protest urged Muslim women to speak out for themselves and assert their diverse identities:

This event is open to ALL muslim women, Hijaabi’s Nikaabis and women who choose not to wear it. Muslimah pride is about connecting with your Muslim identity and reclaiming our collective voice. Most importantly it is about diversity and showing that muslim women are not just one homogenous group. We come in all shapes and sizes, all races and cultural backgrounds. Whether we choose to wear hijaabs or not is nobodies business but ours. So please get clicking, get creative, get loud and proud. #Muslimapride

netizens criticized Femen’s campaign and said it reinforced stereotypes about Muslim women:

wear muslimah

Mimicking Femen’s tactic of posting topless photos to social networks, “Muslimah Pride Day” participants shared photos of themselves expressing their opposition to “Topless Jihad Day”:

Femen’s April 4 protests proceeded as planned. “Topless Jihad Day” events occurred around the world and were widely shared online. Femen groups posted the pictures below on their Facebook pages:

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Nude Women infront of Mosque

Nude Women in-front of Mosque

This is not something new…from last 5 years ,im taking views of muslim women,What they feel being musim can read real cmnts from real muslim women here.

What do you think of the “Muslimah Pride” campaign? Tell us in the comments below.

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