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Indian Muslim School Boy Invents New Computer System Revo-Book

Posted on: February 19, 2014

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Indian Muslim School Boy Invents New Computer System Revo-Book

GUWAHATI: In a move that can transform traditional computing devices, schoolboy Afreed Islam has successfully designed a virus-protected microchip-run computer system. The Class X student from Guwahati’s Little Flower School launched the ReVo BOOK, an ultra-slim computer system designed by him, on Monday.

If Afreed got enough financial assistance to supply the product to markets, he would taste greater success, said Siddharth Deb Nath, a scientist at Assam Science Technology and Environment Council.

The ReVo BOOK is embedded with a microchip and a hybrid operating system, also Afreed’s brainchild, named ReVo IX. The design of the computer system has been developed by a German based firm which took up the project after knowing about Afreed’s innovation. He has already applied for a patent for the ReVo BOOK and is expecting to secure his rights soon.


“Most computing devices use mechanical hard disk drives, flash memories and electronic disks to boot up operating systems, but my invention replaces both mechanical and electronic hard disks with a microchip, doubling speed and storage capacity,” he said.

At a time when most of his peers are aiming to do well in their board exams, Afreed is planning to promote the ReVo BOOK which, he claims, will dominate comparable products in the computer market. “Compared to the hard disks available, my microchip is four times faster, lasts longer and there is also no chance of losing data. Minimum power is required to run the ReVo BOOK and its portable size is a bonus,” he said.

Afreed is hopeful the ReVo BOOK will make help high-speed, uninterrupted performance. “Apart from domestic computing, the ReVo BOOK will be immensely beneficial in offices, banks, academic institutions and industries,” the boy said.

“Three years ago, when I was in class VII, I started to look for a solution to some of the problems faced by the operating systems used currently. I never imagined inventing an operating system,” Afreed said.

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7 Responses to "Indian Muslim School Boy Invents New Computer System Revo-Book"

Shabaash Afreed!!! Way to go young man!! Your Invention is bound to go a long way..


Masha Allah,
Muslims should rise in develop their brains in order to invent more so as the world will know that the Muslim Nation is also up to task.


Alhamdulillah. Congratulation to you brother. May Allah gives you and us success in this world and Hereafter.Aameen


Reblogged this on Unique Muslimah's Corner and commented:
Ma sha Allah awesome !!


Masha Allah Alfreed Islam. May Allah (SWT) protect u and your invention from those dark forces plaguing our Planet today. Ameen Thumma Ameen.


Amazing..Subhanallah..may he reach great heights with this invention!


Subhan Allah, I congratulate the inventors and pray May God Bless our children to take the right path and progress in the worldly affairs as well.


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