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Cow dung is the abode of goddess Lakshmi, says BJP :: News

Posted on: May 3, 2012

Politics isn’t all about the lokpal debate or cold caste calculations in the coming polls in five states. The BJP has showed the way by breaking the monotony and waxing eloquent on the benefits of cow dung and urine.

Cow dung is the abode of goddess Lakshmi,” said the party’s central cow  development cell on Friday.And this was not all.

The urine of the cow is the abode of the Ganges,”[1] the release went on. “Cow dung is a purifier of impurities….

The cow and cow dung are lifelines of the nation. If the cow survives, the nation will survive. That is why we refer to the cow as ‘mother cow’ and ‘mother of the whole world’.”

The release admonished the media for calling the Madhya Pradesh government’s recent cow initiatives as “superstition”, saying this had deeply hurt the sensibilities of millions of people, insulted Indian culture and panchgavya (the cow’s five products, including dung and urine), and ignored the cow’s contribution to the agriculture and economy. MP, which recently passed a law against cow slaughter, also conducted a workshop on the benefits of the cow, earlier this week.

The BJP’s release — signed by cow development cell convener Radheshyam Gupta — lists the scientific benefits of the cow. It

provides milk, is used in agriculture, provides manure, is the base of cottage industry and good health, provides jobs, keeps the environment clean, contributes to rural development and can help generate electricity.

The RSS has also been listed the benefits of the cow, conducting a Vishwa Mangal Gau Gram Yatra in 2009 and even using gods’ idols made of cow urine, dung, milk, ghee and curd during festivals.

Clearly, at least here the BJP’s umbilical cord with Hindutva hasn’t snapped.

8 Responses to "Cow dung is the abode of goddess Lakshmi, says BJP :: News"

We should respect each and every religion. You can’t expect everyone to respect our religion when people don’t respect others? If you believe this is beyond limits then why can’t they question our religion? Marrying our first cousins? The prophet marrying a 9 year old girl? Locking our women away in our homes with no freedom. Absolutely ridiculous


I have gone thru nice scientific articles on cow, dung, urine, milk on – as per their research content it makes sense to me as to why hindus believe in cow – every religion is great in itself – one should follow one’s own religion with surrenderence and love, and respect all other religions – i hope that is what is called as humanity


Toba Astaghfaar. They have gone beyond their limits in their religion. How can they come up with such stories as Cow Dung & Urine is the Adobe of one of their hundredth Goddesses Lakshmi. Incredible! May Allah (SWT) show them the right path. Their stories just don’t make any sense. Although the Indians are our neighbors and brothers but their point of view regarding their religion is way off ours.


Hmmm……………….Subhanallah 😉


Admin is too Indian ! 🙂


It’s a strange world… 🙂

Love and hugs!



I say………………;-)


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