ISLAM—World's Greatest Religion!

Liam Neeson: BEFORE ISLAM (write to him)

Posted on: April 30, 2012

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Liam Neeson: BEFORE ISLAM (write to him)

Before He Heard Adhan –
Before Met Muslims –
Before He Watched Salat –
liam neeson1
Laim Nesson
Before Islam

While we wait for him to make his shahadah and enter Islam completely, we thought it a good idea to give Muslims some idea of who he was before being affected by the adhan and coming to love Islam.

Please take some time to read about him and his past, make dua for him and if you can think of something that might help him – leave him a message at the end of this story (even if you did it before – say something to encourage him)… Read:

As film stars go, Liam Neeson certainly did it the hard way. In his late twenties he was still struggling in Irish regional theatre. By his mid-thirties, he’d risen only as far as supporting roles in a few of the Eighties’ plethora of TV miniseries. Indeed, he was into his forties before his star really rose, when, as the fine character actor he had become, he brought grace, pain and a necessary touch of sleaze to the part of Oskar Schindler in Steven Spielberg’s Academy Award-winning Holocaust tale, Schindler’s List. Suddenly, he was a bona fide star, not just an esteemed player but, with the likes of Rob Roy, Michael Collins and Gangs Of New York, a kind of thespian action hero, to boot. A starring role in The Phantom Menace, the long-long-awaited Star Wars prequel, placed him right at the top of the Hollywood tree. He was 47 years old – it had been a hard and long journey.

He was born William John Neeson on the 7th of June, 1952, in Ballymena, a small County Antrim market town some twenty-odd miles to the north-west of Belfast. It was a predominantly Protestant area – actually in the North Antrim constituency of firebrand preacher Ian Paisley – and the Neesons were Catholics, but Liam claims that, growing up, he saw little sectarian prejudice. Indeed, he’s said he was shocked when, visiting his grandparents in the south of Ireland, the local kids ostracized and taunted him, sneering that he was from the north and therefore “followed the Queen”.

Neeson’s father, Barney, a quiet, self-effacing fellow, worked as a caretaker at the local Catholic girls’ school where his mother, Kitty, a lover of music and the craic, also worked as a cook. Liam, named after a well-respected local priest, would live with them, as well as his older sisters Elizabeth, Bernadette and Rosaleen, in a tiny house in a Housing Trust project. Helen Mirren, when she visited the place as Neeson’s girlfriend in the early Eighties, would wonder how they’d all fitted in.

As his own father had run a pub, Barney was well aware of the dangers of drink and kept a strictly temperate household. His only indulgence was a weekly poker game with the parish priests. It was a good atmosphere for young Liam, who was a keen reader and, by 1963 when he enrolled at St Patrick’s Secondary School (later to become St Patrick’s College) a very disciplined student. The boy was also, from an early age, something of a cineaste. Ballymena boasted only one cinema, but it did present double bills that changed every two days. Thus Liam could watch up to 14 films a week, and he often caught them all. This would change only when, seeking the pervy dollar, the cinema turned porno.

OK – We see he didn’t like alcohol, he doesn’t chase after girls and he quit movies when they put in naked women – AND




. . . . BUT, Can He Give Up This World for The Next World? . . . For Allah?

He sounds like a good person for Islam – even if he wasn’t famous.

OK, so let’s help him know more about Islam –

Your words can help him . . Tell him . . Encourage him . .
Pray for him – Ask Allah to Guide him & all of us to His Way – in submission, sincerity and peace (Islam) . . .


  • Leave Your (short) Message for Liam Neeson Below
  • We will send your Good Messages to him.

thank uou!

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18 Responses to "Liam Neeson: BEFORE ISLAM (write to him)"

After making this position clear, Allah set man on earth and provided the very first human beings (Adam and Eve) with guidance as to how they were to live. Thus man’s life on this earth did not start in utter darkness. >From the beginning a bright torch of light was provided so that humanity could fulfill its glorious destiny. The very first man received revealed knowledge from Allah Himself, and was told the correct way to live. This code of life was Islam, the attitude of complete submission to Allah, the Creator of man and the whole universe. It was this religion which Adam, the first man, passed down to posterity.


Dear Liam,

I understand that you are a keen reader and I am sure Quran is a book worth reading if you believe in scientific facts then you are on your way to the true path. May Allah(swt) be with you.

A sincere admirer of your work to date


alhamdulilaah pls well come to islam then you understand islam is the best religion of the world


Dear Liam, just look at it this way, Allah guides those whom he loves, now for a second stop and think about the thought of God thinking about you, the thought of God choosing you, the thought of being loveed by The Most High. Isnt that enough for one to make up their mind and do whats right. I pray that you embrace Islam with open mind and heart.


Can we meet?


Alhamdulillah, Allah is giving you a sign take it and respond to it. All I can say is every minute is precious and we dont know what will happen next so discover the taste of being a muslim. The true path. My prayers for you. May Allah grant and shower his blessings to you. Ameen.


Salam Brother Laim Nesson, welcome to Allahs s feast, to the gates of heavens. Be ready as u will feel pains more then ever, you’ll cry even if you have never, you will see better and it’s not easy to see. But remember this half a day or a day that we spend on this earth and the rewards of eternity and that your not alone. We all love you


I pray u become a good muslim for Allah 2grant u aljanah which is the ultimate for any living soul 2enjoy after sojorn on earth


Hello Liam, this is an opportunity of a lifetime. Procrastination is an enemy of success. So why delay. What ever has to be done just do it now because tomorrow may be too late. You have a lot to benefit by embracing Islam, this is because we are talking of the hereafter, a journey of no return wherein you enjoy or suffer endlessly till eternity depending on your acts and action in this mundane world. The period we spend here in this world will be compared to a second when we are to face Allah (SWT).
Redeem your tomorrow now by professing Allah and His Messenger (SAW).


Dear Laim Nesson, welcome to Allahs s feast, to the gates of heavens. Be ready as u will feel pains more then ever, you’ll cry even if you have never, you will see better and it’s not easy to see. But remember this half a day or a day that we spend on this earth and the rewards of eternity and that your not alone. We all love you


Mr. Liam Neeson, please consider these quotations by Jesus (Alaihi-salaam) and Muhammad (SWA):- Jesus said “I WAS NOT SENT BUT TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL” (Jews), but you are not a Jew. Muhammad (SWA) said “I WAS SENT TO ALL MANKIND” and you are one of the mankind. Please don’t hesitate any longer, say the kalimatu Shahada now and all your previous sins will be forgiven and salvation for you is guaranteed. By the way I love your movies….no alcohol and no bed scenes or any amorous acts.


U r v lucky to come in circle of Islam which
is the perfect way of life in this world n hereafter .May Allha bless us n forgive our
sins n our generations follow Islam truly.Do
not doubt yrself coz u have chosen the right
path for yrself.


Thanks hun – I’ve never been much of a movie buff and I didn’t know he was turning to Islam, but if it works for him then I’m happy for him! 🙂

God Bless!



wow alhumdulillah thats so nice to hear! may Allah bless Liam. i wrote an article recently, its called My ramblings about God and the Universe. it might be useful for Liam. May Allah increase his iman and ours as well. ameen

My ramblings about God and the Universe


wow, alhumdulillah thats wonderful, its so nice to hear that. i wrote an article recently that might be useful to Liam, its here,


Follow Ur heart, embrace Islam and do the Salat practically and you will love it even more. You will experience what muslims are enjoying of peace and tranquility and of closeness to their creator. Imagine yourself having a personal meeting with the president, how would you feel? So proud; then what about having a direct contact with your creator? The owner and controller of the universe and all beings. Prayer is a kind of having contact with Almighty Allah you talking to Him and He answering you. Imagine yourself in a congregation of countless muslims without any discrimination, white and black, rich and poor, young and old all in a row serving Almighty and seeking his pleasure. How does that feels? I thank Allah for choosing me as a believer and I pray that Allah will select you as our muslim brother. Amin


Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmutullah 🙂 …………Mashallah May Allah Almighty, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful guide you to the straight path and give you strong Islamic faith and to all Muslims Men and Women………….Jazakallahkhair for reciting your story and I sure hope Inshallah you become a Muslim who fears Allah (SWT) and also May Allah (SWT) make you among those whom Allah (SWT) loves……..May Allah (SWT) make you intercede to Jannah (Paradise)……….Ameen Ya Rabb Al-Alameen*** and Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmutullah Brother 🙂


Alhamdulilah … I loved to read this kind of stories … placed a good impact on me ..


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