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Secret Bible Found In Turkey is True ? :: Lies Exposed

Posted on: March 5, 2012

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Secret Bible Found In Turkey is FAKE

Assalam Alaykum brother and sisters ,

Its time to know the truth about the Bible found in Turkey,We published this news in our Islamic News Section of this website.

This finding had few problems.. According  to them it says

They claim this ancient Bible proves Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the prophet.
But it also says he is the Christ!

Ofcource we dont believe Muhammad s.a.w was Christ. 

if this bible is true then he must says Jesus is the Christ.

Here now is our criticism of the text presented, based soley on the content:

“In one version of the gospel, he is said to have told a priest: ‘How shall the Messiah be called? Mohammed is his blessed name…..and in another, Jesus denied being the Messiah, claiming that he or she would be Ishmaelite, the term used for an Arab,” he added.

What we find in the limited verses disclosed in the media, there is no doubt in my mind, this is fabrication – aimed at discrediting Islam and Muslims.

The plan seems to be, to have Muslims get all excited about this, promote on Facebook and the chat rooms, only to have some “expert” come along and prove the whole thing was a fake. This tears down the true dawah of Islam, makes Muslims look foolish and turns our own youth even further away from the deen of Allah.

Infact these are the one of the reasons of starting this blog . you can read it i mentioned here.

With the help from Allah swt i exposed many fake miracles, many miracle you see on Internet are not True. these things are created just make muslims look like fools.not only Miracles they fake stories too against Islam and muslims.

Chk Few Exposed Miracles and Fake Stories :

Flying Stone

Flying Dome ..
Islamic Punishment for Stealing bread

Now,Let me give only a brief summary of the findings we have collected and verified so far,for this secret Bible.

These are the problems in this secret bible..

To begin, notice the claim “Messiah” shall be called Mohammed (peace be upon him)?

Quran clearly tells us JESUS IS THE MESSIAH (meaning ‘annointed‘, translated into Koine Greek as ‘Christos‘ and to English as “Christ“). Muhammad, peace be upon him, is called by Allah in the Quran, ‘Rasool‘ (messenger) not Messiah.

Next point – It says, “Mohammed is his blessed name..

Again, this contradicts the Quran. Clearly in surah As-Saff, chapter 61, verse 6, Allah says, that Jesus, peace be upon him, said “Huwa ismahu Ahmad” (His name will be AHMAD) Not Mohammad.

This is a different form of his name, and one that we all agree is one of his names.

However it is incorrect – because Allah did not say Jesus used the name ‘Mohammad’.

Allah said, Jesus used the word ‘Ahmad‘.

Next point, “Jesus DENIED being the Messiah”??

All Muslims know, Jesus, peace be upon him, was and is – the Messiah (Annointed) of Allah.

That is what he is called in the Quran.

Another point, “..claiming that he or she“??

Since when did any of the accepted scriptures contain this type of reference to a prophet or messener of Allah? (never).

The ‘Messiah’ of the Old Testament was referred to as a male being born of a virgin (maiden) in Hebrew and the word was masculine – not feminine.

So how could the prophecies of the Old Testament, prophecy of New Testament and the fulfillment of prophecy in the Last Testament (Quran), all be wrong regarding the gender of the ‘Messiah‘?

Didn’t the translator know the Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic languages all have the same capability as Spanish and Italian to indicate within the noun itself what the gender is of the person?

True, in certain Germanic or European languages like English do you need to say, “he or she“. So again, there is no question of the gender of the ‘Messiah‘.

Just this one verse alone, clearly indicates someone played with scripture, as it would never contain such obvious contradictions.

This book cannot be seriously considered as anything more than another discovery of ancient rubbish.

written : yusufestates
edited : kingslaveofallah

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21 Responses to "Secret Bible Found In Turkey is True ? :: Lies Exposed"

Ancient old post. Your english is passable, but don’t stop learning =)


Any body can say anything but what we are talking about is what the Quran says’shia my foot I don’t care what they say or anybody say what we are concerned about is the Quran .Allah made it clear in the Quran 4v59 o you who believe obey
Allah obey the messager and those in authority if you fall into dispute refer it to Allah and his prophet if you believe in Allah and the here after. I think that is enough for the wise


this looks like total nonsense ,muhammad was not the messiah the quran itself sais that jesus was the messiah


yes,i agree…thats why we rejected this finding…pls read post again…we r rejecting as fake or forge document..


What you said is absolutely wrong! According to Shia Muslims all the findings that you are talking about are right. Here the Messiah does not refer to Prophet Muhammad, it refers to the twelfth and last Imam. Shia Muslims believe:
1. Prophet Muhammad is not the Messiah.
2. The Messiah is the last Imam whose name is the same as Prophet Muhammad.
3. He is an Arab.
4.One day he will come together with Christ to change the earth, which is full of injustice, and fill it with justice and equity.
In fact these findings are right according to beliefs of Shia Muslims.
The problem is that nearly all people around the world consider themselves right and never question their beliefs. As a result, they never find the truth.


well our prophet was christ he was a ruller even he refused to call his name king but he is king second in hebrew one of the meaning of muhamed name and its prounonced mahamad like gulf ppl prounonce it it meanes the nomnaited = christ and the messiah. see this written by jews The Prophet Mohammed, a Jewish pseudo-Messiah


Jesus peace be upon him will come before the judgement day and He will destroy AL THE FALSE RELIGION and False beleife and all Kafirun will face their TORMENT DESTRUCTION… Ameen


ya we can hope dat will hapen. Jesus will uncover the truth and will tear the beast who is spreading his clows today all over the world with fake teachings and promises.


Dis is rubbish,how stupid of dem 2 say mohammad is messiah,dis means dat d christians ar lost nd dnt no wat 2 believe in again.tnx 4 d enligtement.


Muslims stop promoting fake discovery and listen to the advise of wise man before badly embarrassing yourself. Why you need fake book to support your belief? This is insane


Oh Allah…!


On my opinion,when the bible mention the next means who are going to take over after Jesus passing . He is the messiah,but when he mention the next messiah,he means a savior of people.

PERSONALLY :i think you better take back your words,and let people believe the truth.dont block me. as,salam


who was going to take over ?

about which version of bible you are talking ?


i strongly agree wit u..dont make a judge so quick..1stly reread, then, repeat, then read wit eye of history…like barnabas tooo…


very nice work by fake muslims lol .the biblle found was very amazing and very true..soon you will read it on line.


1st this book is true !! but i think some pple added stuff on it ,but not Muslims ,i think is Christians them self .so Muslims can be blamed again


Just one correction here brother, after the article, the name written is that of Yousef Estates. Is this sheikh Yousef Estes ?? .


May Allah continue to reveal d secret of d enemies of islam. jazakumlahu khaeran.


Please the muslim ummah should be careful whether or not the bible is truth or lies, u have no bussiness with the bible concentrate in the Quran. Whatever was mentioned in the true bible is in our Quran. Allah SW guide whom He so wished and promise to protect his Holy Book. May Allah continue to lead us the right way ameen.


Keep up the good work, keep exposing the plots of the kafirs, they will never stop, divert or distract Allah’s slaves from performing their primary mission.


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