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Happy Birthday God !!!!!! Can You Digest This Phrase?

Posted on: December 24, 2011

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Happy Birthday God !!!!!! Can You Digest This Phrase?

Christmas is here and so the marketing of  Jesus’s godship through festivals, wine, dance parties, Christmas cards and Christmas cakes will be in full boom.

In my school days, Christmas was celebrated with a teacher becoming Santa Claus and giving us gifts. Story books about the wonderful help of Santa Claus towards young children were given to us to read in order to  cultivate an affectionate bond with Santa.

There are thousands of  English schools run by the Missionaries in Mumbai alone where cultural Christianity is inserted through festivals.

A couple of years back I was invited to share the stage in a huge Cathedral school in Mahim. It was a few days before the Christmas vacation. I thought it was a good opportunity to do daw’ah to Christian students by talking to them in their own church. So when my turn came, I rose up and said : “Assalamualaikum…”

To my surprise, I received a thick chorus of Walaikumussalam….More than half the students were Musims assembled in the church !

 Have you considered this ?  The Christians ruled the entire Indian subcontinent for almost a century. They built railways, started postal services, ran schools,colleges, hospitals and orphanages, yet by the time they left India they could  not convert the Hindus and the Muslims to Christianity in large numbers! They still happen to be in micro minority.

A new Muslim, who was earlier a Hindu, was approached by a Christian to become a Christian. The revert responded : “Can you give me a few reasons why I should leave Krishna and Rama and instead worship Jesus ?”, “ I used to worship human gods in a large number, Islam made me leave them and now you want to add one more human in the list of  the human gods I have already left?

Islam is the only religion which has protected the original concept of  God. It has structured the fundamentals of Touhid in no less than one third of the verses of the Qur’an.

The longest Surah that was revealed at a time with 165 verses, was Surah al An’am and almost all  of them spoke about Touhid, the Islamic Monotheism. Those who want to introduce Allah in detail should present Surah al An’am. This Surah is  stuffed with the wonderful qualities of Allah which no one in His creations can possess. Not even Jesus.

If you study Judaism and Christianity  you will notice two  extremes in the terms of the concept of God.

The Jews have made god so low that he can be defeated by his slave Jacob in wrestling (Genesis 22 : 14), he can  regret for creating the universe…where as the Christians have raised the position of Jesus to such a height that he was taken up as god.

Among the finest, easiest and most logical arguement that refutes the godship of Jesus, comes from Ahmed Deedat in his debate with Anis Shorrosh ” Is Jesus God “.

The wise man put forth a simple question : “If Jesus is god or if all the three in the Trinity , The Father, The Holy Ghost and the son are one, then can we address Father (God ) as Jesus ? Can we call Holy Ghost as Father ? Can we  call Jesus as Father ?” Ahmed Deedat himself replied ” NO !!! In the entire churchdom this would be counted as a blaspheme , a heresy”

He concluded to which Anis Shorrosh had no answer and I am sure none of the Christian Missionary would also have an answer.

Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-relgiious issues from Islamic perspective and he actively participates in the interfaith dialogues.

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17 Responses to "Happy Birthday God !!!!!! Can You Digest This Phrase?"

[…] Happy Birthday God !!!!!! Can You Digest This Phrase? ( […]


I just want to thank you God for sending your Son Jesus to earth. We may not know what day your son was born but I am happy this day is set aside so that I remember why you came to earth Jesus. It is so beautiful to hear the songs that your remnanyt sang for you Jesus to honor you. Some Americans are doing the wrong thing on this day God. I ask you to forgive them and send forth preachers to preach Jesus to them.Jesus you know that I and my kin did not teach about a fable calld Santa. I will not be limped in with people that do. Jesus-brice and Dora belonged to you. They prayed for all of us and they taught us holiness. They never dreamed what would be happening to us their offspring. Honor their hearts cry Lord for us. Do not allow any of their descendants to be snared by Ilam. Give them that bravery back to stand and fight against the anti-christ relgion. Never let my beautiful daughters be defiled by them. I have such beautiful grand daughters and those handsome native American sons. Dont let them be defeated or overcome by the Islam murderous religion. Come Lord Jesus and I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Come soon Lord before Islam destroys the world.


i invite you to watch this video



i will accept christianity……. if u prove to me through logic and reasoning that christianity is the truth



I;m sure some muslim blowd her…look at her hate filled heart… my God.

and she just know blah blah blah blah…speaking without any proofs.

for the 1 person mistake who le community is blamed…but Why when i christian rape girl ,who community is not blamed.

Double standard hypocrite…..

Sister,ths post got lots of videos…so What im doing is,removing iot from here and posting as Article … that this will not make page heavy….ok ?


and don worry,we will reply her,and i invited few revert sister to reply her speciallly….hope this may help her…!


haa ha
Peggy u know what he will say after coming back?

Get lost from here,

U will say lord didnt i loved u,prechd about u…

He will say…

Get lost i never knewyou,you evil doers…


U talk about love,but ur heart is filled with hate…

Peggy..follow jesus,not paul.


I do pray to Allah to send jesus back 2 earth so that he can himself tell the world who he is……A prophet of Allah or the so called ‘Son of God”…..


//It is so beautiful to hear the songs that your remnanyt sang for you Jesus to honor you. //

did jesus sing song ?


///Do not allow any of their descendants to be snared by Ilam. Give them that bravery back to stand and fight against the anti-christ relgion. Never let my beautiful daughters be defiled by them. I have such beautiful grand daughters and those handsome native American sons. Dont let them be defeated or overcome by the Islam murderous religion. ///

Look everyone, the follower have this much hate against those whom she don;t know…

Peggy,do you what anti-christ ?

if not then learn first then share ur views…

I make Dua to Allah swt…

Ya Allah,have mercy on this lady,

Let Islam enter in her home,before she die.


It was very interesting to read but yet I worship Jesus as my Savior..,


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