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Before Its too late – Do it today :: Special Islamic Reminder

Posted on: December 16, 2011

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Before Its too late – Do it today :: Special Islamic Reminder

Many people ignore precious opportunities when they come on their way. One of the reasons is Procastination.For a common man  it is ” Mental Lazinness”

When Allah declares, “And any one who has done an atom’s weight of good shall see it…”, Surah Zalzala verse 7, He is asking us not to ignore or let go even small opportunities of doing good. It can  be a towering thing in terms of impact or results. Yet we ignore big  opportunities that come in our way.”We will do it later”, is the most common excuse we have.

Islam emphasises to hurry in good things and some of them are :

1. Repenting for Sins :

A scenario is sketched in the Qur’an about the plight of the delayers…, surah Mo’minoon: When death approaches one of them he cries out: “O my Lord! let me return back so that I can do some good in what I m leaving behind…”, and the answer he will receive is: “Surely NO!

2. Delayed marriages :

I have written umpteen notes on it. In Surah Nahl verse 72.. Allah calls wives and children as blessings and ends the verse with a question to the readers…, “Will you agree with the false (theories and  ideologies) and reject the Blessings of Allah?

3. Delayed earnings :

Refer to the same  verse. It also speaks about Allah appointing  Halal and Tayyab rizq for us… and we delay earning till we reach thirties !!! Earn early if you can and see what a joy it brings when you spend your own money for your parents and nee dies..

4. Delayed Charity :

And spend of the substances which we have bestowed on you,before Death approaches any of you and lest you say : My Lord why did you not give me little respite for a little while? I should have given in charity…“.  

Surah Tahrim ends with  a reminder: “Allah will not grant respite to any soul when the appointed time has come…”

Many Muslims who are generously fast in harboring enthusiastic ambitions about doing  good to the society fail in taking  even the first step.

Many ideas remain in the garage of our minds because we did not bring them out, thinking of doing it later. Let us not award our own selves certificates of laziness and allow our ideas to get burred along with us.

5. Delay in  amending broken relations :

Ego stops us from being blessed by amending or rather initiating to amend broken ties with our Muslim brothers and sisters. Then we go to the dead body of the deceased and say: “Please  forgive whatever heard and spoken !

Is the dead person in the position to forgive you or embrace you or talk to you or reply you ?

Surah Room says NO !

Mark my words ! Your days are numbered!

Tonight you may die and it may be late!

And then you  can never change your fate…!!!

Author :

Nisaar Nadiadwala

speaks and writes on Islam and Muslims.


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5 Responses to "Before Its too late – Do it today :: Special Islamic Reminder"

Dream of a baby laughing?


I seen my neighbor trying a wedding dress on like to see if it fits her and it was a beautiful dress.She then tried eye make up and then she said in the wedding am going to look very beautiful.shes 19 and not married and am also friends with her mother. Does this have a meaning


hung with your motheq


My friend saw me in dream i was praying at the end pray while i turn my face to the right shoulder i had beard turn to the left had no beard , can u explain plz ?


very nice artical, may Allah open every one including my own eyes to be open before it close for good, may Allah give wisdom, and knowledge, kind please pray for me, i can get good job, i used to work in aerospace dont have job now but Alhamdo lilah inshallah i am going to get good job soon, may be this is test from Allah, ur artical on charity is awsome, every word is a golden word, may Allah give u reward for doing this and send his support from allover the world so u never have to even worry for a nana second, may Allah open his door on ur self , may Allah help all of ur cause in a way no one even can ever expect,, may Allah give u just like sulaman make dus to Allah that oh Allah give me a king dom like u never give to any one before and or after me, so Allah grant him, what did he ask for, it is so coinsident i am asking the same thing for u, that was king sulaman, i am asking oh Allah give it to king the wealth that u never give it to any one before and after king the unique wealth that all rich people of this world was open their heart and safe for ur cause that u have always extera and can not even count, just like as Allah say when i grant if i want, i will gave bagaraieh hisab, with out accounting, just unlimited, up to infinity, no one can even count, king pray for me, may Allah bless u always, ur artical on charity is really not only good but open every eyes which is open now going t obe close soon, how soon we dont know. king pray for me that i was be the one who can send donation to this web side cause all the time, the money in bank of universe is already there, it just need to reach me, pray for me i dont need to worry about my finances not any more,


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