ISLAM—World's Greatest Religion!

A Muslim Girl’s Guide For Dealing with Boys

Posted on: December 16, 2011

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

A Muslim Girl’s Guide For Dealing with Boys

As salamu aleycum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu :)

Life is full of crazy obstacles, but the one that will probably bug you the most and always be getting in the way is the opposite gender. Here, from one sister to another, is a Muslim girl’s guide for how to deal with guys.

No Touching: Muslims are forbidden to touch any non-Mahram (Mahram is your dad, brothers, father-in-law, husbands, grandfathers, and the siblings of your parents) person of the opposite gender.

That means no patting on the back, no hand shaking, no pushing, no shoving, no holding hands, and obviously no kissing and all that. If you’re in a difficult situation where you think someone will try to shake your hand, the best thing to do is just smile and say, “My people don’t shake hands” and then explain why. And why, is because we believe a woman’s touch is a privilege and she doesn’t just share it with anyone.

No Flirting: Not even with Muslims, not even in an Islamic school, especially not in a masjid! Flirting means that you’re saying or doing things on purpose that make the other person attracted to you. There’s no set criterion for what flirting is, but any girl knows what is and how to do it.

Muslim women are supposed to behave better than the average woman, who has to be beautiful for all the men around her all the time, who are trapped behind their looks and only judge themselves to be worthy if half the men they know are in love with them. A wise dude once said, “Don’t start the mower unless you intend to cut the grass”.

If you don’t want a guy’s advances, then don’t do anything to earn them. There’s no point in throwing yourself all over guys and trying to seduce half the world. You really only want to marry one guy, and you want to spend the rest of your life with him, and chances are he isn’t going to be some dork you fluttered your eyelashes at in high school.

No Boyfriends: As a Muslim, you know that having a boyfriend is haraam because it counts as Zina – fornication. Fornication, in easy English, means `sexual sin’. Allah expressly forbids romantic or sexual relationships outside of marriage. When people go against that rule, then you get the typical western society where people play sexual merry-go-round with each other, giving each other STDs [sexually transmitted disease], using and abusing each other, and destroying the sacredness of marriage as an institution.

You can’t even be sort of engaged to a guy, and then “date” to get to know each other. In Islam, non-Mahram men and women aren’t allowed to be alone together (that includes talking on the phone!), to touch (not even shake hands), or even gaze at each other. It doesn’t matter if the guy you like is Muslim, a great guy and the Prince of England, you can’t date him.

No Boy—friends: The easiest way to ensure that you don’t end up falling in love with some guy before you’re ready to get married is to avoid making friends with boys. Of course in school you have to interact with boys all over the place, but that doesn’t mean you should be best buds with them. Probably 90% of relationships begin from friendships. Chances are you’re not ready for marriage, your parents aren’t ready to let you get married, you’re still in school/college and your crush is not the sort of fellow you want to spend the rest of your life with, so just avoid being friends with the opposite sex in the first place. It really is the best formula for saving yourself from needless temptation.

When you have to talk to boys in school as teammates, lab partners, group members, and peers, it’s best to maintain a distance. That means that you don’t confide in them, you don’t let down your guard, you don’t unnecessarily engage them in needless conversation, don’t joke around, and never flirt. Yeah it may be a little hard, but this is your afterlife we’re talking about.

So many great sisters have put themselves in really sticky situations because they allowed a boy to get to know them, and either ended up liking the boy, or having the boy like them. Once that happens you either end up becoming a pair (which is HARAAM!), or having to end your friendship.

Instead of letting it get to that point, and then having to kill a friendship that you probably worked hard on cultivating, you should just stop it before it begins. There are plenty of great girls all around who can be your friends and if you really think only a guy will understand your problem, then talk to your REAL brother, or your father, or an uncle.

No Talking on the Phone with Boys: In Islam its forbidden for non-related guys and girls to be alone together because there is the chance for physical zina, vocal zina, and zina of the eyes. That means, with no one there to watch you guys except that boogery shaitaan, then you might be tempted to actually DO something, or say gross things, or just stare at each other all lustily. With that in mind, it’s also a safe bet to assume that talking on the phone with non-Mahram guys is a no-no too. Why? Because unless you’ve both got it on speaker-phone and you’re chaperoned by a responsible person, then you’re still kind of “alone” with him.

The people in your house can’t hear what he’s saying to you, and his family can’t hear what you’re saying to him. There’s a chance for some bad stuff then, so just avoid it. Not to mention, having some dude saying things into your ear that no one else can hear would be gross in real life, why is it okay for him to talk into your ear via the telephone? For the most part it’s just too intimate.

Work place: Even in work place keep a distance with the opposite sex, discuss only about the work not more than that, more importantly keep distance, dont involve yourself in lot of giggling etc. When a female smiles it gives the space for a man to come closer for those who have a disease of bad intentions. Always prevention is better than cure.

Be Disaffected: What does that mean? Disaffected means un-affect-able. That means that nothing a dude can say can hit your nerves, make you blush, or get a reaction out of you. It also means that you are uninterested in what they do as well. Imagine yourself being in an airplane looking down on the scenery below.

You’re a little interested in what’s going on down there, and it may look really nice, but you know that to get to the scenery you have to jump off the plane. Like the scenery miles below you, the guy may look really nice, but you know that to get him you have to jump off the plane …errr…commit spiritual suicide, and though the fall may be fun, you will eventually hit the ground 600 meters below and go -splat– on Judgment Day. Maybe even sooner.

Short of becoming an ice-princess, being disaffected involves putting up a mental wall between you and all of male-kind. They don’t know your thoughts and you don’t care for theirs. You can interact with guys at school/college within the bounds of Islam, but always maintain a formal distance.

Don’t ask a guy how his infected toe is doing. Don’t give him a hug when he looks down. Don’t offer to help him with his homework. Don’t go out of your way to remind him that you exist, and that you’re not half bad looking. Even if you don’t feel like behaving, make yourself behave anyway, your afterlife is important enough to discipline yourself for.

The safest philosophy when dealing with guys is remembering this “He’s not what I want, so why should I do anything to make him interested in me? That’ll just make for a painfully awkward situation and it’s not worth the sin anyhow.”

Remember that you’re always being watched! Would you act all giggly and stupid with boys if the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) could see you?

No, right? Because you’d feel like an ungrateful idiot for disregarding the religion that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) took so much pain for just to deliver to you. Well, imagine how ungrateful it is to act like a supreme idiot when Allah can see you all the time, and it’s really stupid to disregard the religion that Allah prescribed, the favors He’s bestowed upon you. How dumb is it to take the eyes that Allah gave you and do things with them that He told you not to? (like goggle at boys?) How much stupider is it that He can see you doing this, and you know it!

You have no secrets! Not because Big Brother (whoever that is…) is watching you, but because every single thing you ever did will become public domain on the Day of Judgment, and you’ll be brought to trial to defend what you did.

Just don’t do anything that you wouldn’t want your parents, your siblings, your teachers, your friends, and the whole world to know about, ok?

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35 Responses to "A Muslim Girl’s Guide For Dealing with Boys"

Is it not the case that Islam is much more than a religion – some would say a social system? This is proven where religion takes over certain geogrpahic western cities/districts with mono culturalism.

To say Islam is the truth is laughable. No religion can have the PROVEN trut as there is no conclusive evidence of any god!!! No matter how powerfully you believe It is ultimately a BELIEF which is then interpreted and preached. Some would therefore say religion is something of a self fulfilling prophecy. There is no conclusive evidence for any religion let alone Islam.

That said I agree with parts of your religion and the principals behind certain things – e.g. I agree with the general comcept of arranged marriage for example. The said the reality though of a religion that is backward towards women is that many of your own women are trapped and raped inside arranged marriages. However, putting that aside, with men allowed multiple wives, this is simply a legalisation of having what the west classify as extra marital affairs.


How about a Muslim’s guide for boys?


1) I suggest you study Quranic exegesis with an open mind and willingness to seek the Truth, even if you claim Islam is not the Truth. You should not study the Quran with a mindset that Islam is false. Instead, if you love and want to know the Truth, study the Quran with an open heart, a heart that is not set on thinking that Islam is false. You are just in denial, that is why you are not intent in searching for the Truth, even if in your heart, you know Islam is the Truth. Just study the Quran with an open heart and clear mind and want for the Truth. May Allah grant you guidance and have mercy on you.

2) Islam DOES NOT promote violence. Those who are violent are just Muslims who had strayed(only Allah can deem a person a non-Muslim, unless you hear clearly from the person’s mouth claiming to not be a Muslim even if they act like non-Muslims, as you never know what is in their hearts.). What they are doing is NOT part of Islam.

3) “By the way, I belive that man created gods not the other way round.”
You mean to say that if God does not control you. Then, you can predict when your heart will stop. You think you can command your heart to stop, or not to stop. But maybe you think you are immortal. What if you are involved in an accident, and you have a heart attack. Can you order your heart to function properly again then? According to you, life is merely to enjoy, there is nothing after life. Don’t you think there is more to life? You are given birth(Did you predict which date you were born when you were in the womb?), grow up, enjoy, then you die. It is the same as not having a job. You wake up in the morning, enjoy yourself at the beach/pub etc., come back home late at night, and sleep. In the end, you will fail. You won’t have anymore money, you loan from the bank, and in the end, you get bankrupt. You will be very regretful. Same as life in this world. If you just enjoy yourself here, than in the hereafter, you will suffer.
*If you have a job, you earn money etc., don’t tell me you’ll take your money with you when you die. There is always a purpose in everything. There must be a purpose why we are sent to this world, or according to you, why you created God. You would say you created God to sustain you, to provide for you, or whatever reason you have. (I would really love to hear your reason). If you are as powerful as to create God, why can’t you just sustain yourself?

4) You said that there is no proof that the hereafter exists. Do you have any proof that it doesn’t? Has any dead person approached you and tell you that there is no hereafter? Inform me if there is.

I ask sincerely from Allah to guide you in finding the Truth, embracing it and acting upon it. I pray Allah will open your heart. This is a sincere prayer for a human for another human so that he can gain peace of heart, mind and soul.

May Allah grant you Guidance and Peace in both worlds.
Wassalaam InshaAllah

Note to other reply-ers to Aldo: It does not mean you can call him an idiot, call him names, just because he did so to you and to Islam. We should follow Our Prophet’s pbuh example. The people of Taif threw stones at him,humiliated the Prophet of Allah, and when Jibreel sought his permission to crush them between the mountains, he refused and instead, prayed for them to receive guidance. and also this hadith:
Narrated `Aisha:
The Jews used to greet the Prophet by saying, “As-Samu ‘Alaika (i.e., death be upon you), so I understood what they said, and I said to them, “As-Samu ‘alaikum wal-la’na (i.e. Death and Allah’s Curse be upon you).” The Prophet said, “Be gentle and calm, O `Aisha, as Allah likes gentleness in all affairs.” I said, “O Allah’s Prophet! Didn’t you hear what they said?” He said, “Didn’t you hear me answering them back by saying, ‘Alaikum (i.e., the same be upon you)?”
Sahih al-Bukhari reference: Book 80, Hadith 90
English reference: Vol. 8, Book 75, Hadith 404
Arabic reference: Book 80, Hadith 6468

Just want to share an interesting story i read, even though it has no link to the topic discussed.



1. Islam is the TRUTH.
2. You dont have proper knowledge of Islam. So study the Quran, learn from a Islamic scholar and this website and
3. Islam does not permit killing of a single creature. Bush and Clinton and ur dear USA killed thousands of innocent children, women, men and raped. ARE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT? Think and tell. IS CHRISTIANITY RESPONSIBLE for the decades of killings by USA in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, and Japan?
4. You have lost your senses. So regain it by proper study. Remember American men are women are the fastest in accepting Islam in America. Mark my word, IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Who is taking your lies? You are the most uncivilized, uneducated person i came across in many days. You are an idiot: i didnt say you are an idiot, you have used words and lies (stating them as facts) and proved your idiocy. So you are welcome to a Muslim psychologist. He will understand your anger and lack of knowledge about earth, culture and religion.
5. Read HISTORY properly before opening your mouth. The more you open your mouth, more u prove how some people are being lunatic.
6. Do u support bombing in Iraq and Afghanistan? Then do u support if you are bombed at your home? Do ur life and life of an iraqi or afghan or a vietnami different? Think. Dont spread hate. Get the facts, please. Islam welcomes you. Islam does not hate you. I hate your lies. Say truth and you are welcome.

Spend a few hundred dollars, dear to treat yourself. If you cant afford, then you are welcome to come to any mosque in the world and ask the Imam or any good scholar. GET ENLIGHTENED. GET THE TRUTH. SAVE YOUR LIFE, this life and your future life.


Hey Doc,

Firstly I would not join your cult for all the money in the world.
I have read the quran and have deduced that unless one is a muslim he/she is going to “hellfire”. (Can you tell me where hellfire is and proof that it exists??)
I have also recorded many times the facts that the quran is nothing but a load of crap where more than 60% is about hatred towards non muslims.and so many inaccuracies that anybody with half a brain can see it. Unfortunately brainwashed idiots like you cannot see outside your closed, blinkered, addled, moronic brain.
As for bombings in Iraq & Afganistan, your moron America did not attack those countries until after 9/11. You guys woke up a sleeping giant.
Also some idiot mentioned in another blog that America dropped atom bombs on Japan. Mate who started it all by bombing Pearl Harbour and drew America into ww2??
Suggest you get your facts straight,
I also would not live in an islamic country for all the tea in China.
Islam is NOT THE TRUTH, Islam is a cult of hatred towards non muslims, it is restrictive, takes away peoples liberties, forces people to pray 5 times daily so that they do not stray from the cult. Incidently my wife worked in Soudi Arabia and she was not even allowed to bring her rosary beads her late mother gave her or a cross into the country.(no compulsion of religion…yehh right!!!)
I am lucky that I was not born into pisslam. I have freedom, I have choices, I can eat and drink what I like when I like, I can even see scantly dressed women without a thought about raping them (unlike muslim men) I dont have to eat between dawn & dusk during another your weird wierd cult tradition of ramadan, what a joke don’t eat during the day but its ok at night??? I can say merry Chrismas, Happy new year, happy Valentines day, and even practice helloween. Its called freedom pal, something you don’t have. I can eat meat that is not butchered in the barbaric inhumane way, just to please a self ordained “prophet”. I cannot understand why anyone would take the word of a pedophile, murderer, sex addict illiterate etc. as being a prophet!!!
Mate, I don’t have any chains binding me, unlike you. I suggest that YOU get out of Pisslam and feel the freedom.


Hey Mr. Big Mouth Aldo,
What Dr. Abdul Basir said is true and you need to respect your self along with others, and watch what you say. And I suggest YOU revert to Islam and mind your language. This website must have security from evil people like you. VERILY YOU WILL COME TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and your the big mouth!!!!!!



The only evil people on this planet are brainwashed muslims.
Besides, all I needed to know about islam I learnt on 9/11, 7/7, Bali bombings and thousands of suicide attacks on people going about their business almost on a daily basis, killing of apostates and other acts of cruelty, even towards animals that provide food to you clowns.
Lady I am free to write on this page just as much as you are, after all “there is no compulsion in religion” according to your pedophile prophet.
Lady the only “big mouths” are the idiotic imams and mullahs that continue to spead hatred towards non muslims.
You idiots don’t even know what part of pisslams to follow (shia or sunni).Seems that now sunnis are killing shia in some parts of the middle east. In Syria muslims are killing muslims!!!
SOME RELIGION YOU GOT THERE. Lady it is YOU who should join the real world.


Enough Aldo,

Stop ur filthy lies….

What you think non-muslims are innocent …. We have already given proof of 9-11 was not done by muslims.

If it is…bring proof from fbi that OSAMA BIN LADEN WAS INVOLVED IN 911.


in this website more than 1200 Articles i published…show me where i posted any article which says hate others.. non-muslims.

you foolish people know….protestant,catholic.. want me to share list with you ?
Oh,so you are saying only muslims killing….and christians are spreading love…

ha ha ha ha common aldo…

I also feel now you started reading Anti-Islamic websites becoz ur replies include there views..

The Most amazing thing…

// christians will abuse muslims prophets yet they will wish to get respect /

There is a saying something like this…

“What ever you give others,you get same thing…

// according to your pedophile prophet.//

ha ha ha ha ha ha


bytheway He was much btr than biblical prophets who were involved in incest,murder,rape,adultry….


Hey oximoron,
Finally got a reaction from you…great, it shows what islam is like, you obviously cannot handle the truth.
Tell me what lies I have told, I would like you to tell me with positive proof that I am wrong, (and I do not take the word of a long bearded man with a funny hat as being proof)
Ok, let’s say for a moment that muslims/islam did not do 9/11 (which only brainwashed muslims belive, but not the rest of the world, except for a few who dislike america) what about 7/7 in London, 2 Bali bombings which killed 88 Australians, islamist radicals blowing themselves up taking with them INNOCENT people etc. ?? (I suppose that is not islam either?) kidnappings in Magindanao Philippines by MILF.
Mate, etc.
Mate, when I start to see mass demonstrations by good muslims against the radicals then I will stop on this site. If you don’t like me commenting you better shut down this site.
By the way I don’t read anti islamic websites I just have to watch TV news, read the papers and watch movies about islam (like killing of Saroa M) to get my opinion of Islam cult.


Well Mr. Big Mouth Aldo, no one has time to listen to your foolish, filthy comments about what YOU believe, because all you can do is COMPLAIN to much without using your BRAIN.Use your BIG MOUTH if your brave enough to, but Oh, that’s right your nothing but a filthy, disgusting COWERED. Maniacs like you are the ones who can’t handle the truth little Mr. big mouth for nothing! so I suggest you get YOUR facts right mate, and you need to mind your filthy language. And you also say you don’t have big mouth? if you don’t have one then why do you keep posting rude comments about Islam? just who and what gives YOU the right to judge people’s religion the way how YOU want?


Hey Mariam,

Please let me know what lies I have told, and please back it up with facts, not with your usual unsupported justifications of your cult.
By the way I have never used profanities in my comments so please little girl do not say I have a filthy mouth. I only use words that are insulting to the so called “religion” of islam and that pediphile and sex maniac you clowns revere as a prophet.He was a great role model!!!!
The reason I insult your cult is because muslims are doing nothing as other members of your “religion” are killing innocent people on a daily basis and cause the majority of problems in the world. Get used to it Maryam. I will only stop when you lot get rid of organisations like al quaeda, taliban, hizbollah, MILF (in philippines) JI. etc etc. and get them to join the rest of the decent human race.
Maybe you should direct your anger at these organisation and not little old me.


Common Aldo….enough…this hate you against a person and us … look in ur heart… man ..

by Allah , you r not that Aldo who visited this website and left few cmnts. shared about his sister death..



What they said about Muhammad [pbuh] :: Video

// The reason I insult your cult is because muslims are doing nothing as other members of your “religion” are killing innocent people on a daily basis and cause the majority of problems in the world.//



Fatwa Against Terrorism




Hey King,
More conspiracy theories from you re. Bin Laden & Saddam Hossain,9/11 etc.etc and now I suppose you will claim that it is CIA in Syria as well.

You will also note that the majority of fatwas are in Americas. not too many from muslim countries, wonder why?
I don’t have hate in my heart mate, the only people with hate in their heart or the brainwashed muslims who follow that great role model, the pedophile mahommad and follow the hate filled koran.
If your children knew for example, you were a pedophile or had 14 wives and mistresses, to satisfy your sexual desires would you be a good role model?
Look mate I have only tried to show you what millions of muslims living the “religion” have realised, that islam is no more than an oppressive cult
which keeps its followers in the dark by lies, deception and justification without any proof.
To be a real muslim means that you almost have to be saint like, and believe me I have yet to meet a good muslim.


I will keep saying you have a filthy mouth until you admit that ISLAM is the truth, and just because there are some muslims who kill people that does NOT mean that you can give your self the opportunity to blame ISLAM and other Muslims. Your heart is full of hatred towards muslims, why because your foolish! and the part how you said: “I will only stop when you lot get rid of organisations like al quaeda, taliban, hizbollah, MILF (in philippines) JI. etc etc. and get them to join the rest of the decent human race”. It even mentions in our Holy QUR’AAN that, ‘those disbelievers will not be happy until you muslims become like them”. And that’s what your exactly trying to say, well you know what? YOU’RE WRONG.


Hey Maryam,
Please prove your religion. Aly Sina an ex muslims has put up a substantial amount of money if any muslim can prove anything that is in the hadiths, or kiran. To date not 1 mulsim has taken up his offer.
If you can prove any of the bull you have been fed there is a lot of cash you can have (tax free).
Go for it.


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ALI Sina….

i knew you r his words , becoz the words you were using in abuse came from him … AND ALDO.



and let him keep his cash,we r not here for cash..We sacrifice cash … even i do… i was working before as freelancer and in a company,but to run this website and defend prophet i stop free lancer job.ofcource i was earning very gud… but i sacrificed it to spread truth about Islam. and expose filthy peoples like Ali Sina.

yes,when i need it for website. then i ask from muslims brother and sisters and those who trust they come for support and they do. so other muslims also spend . tell him to buy white sheet to cover his dead body,as he will not get that too…

slave of Allah!


(before i start i would like to say you should read the Quran because it doesn’t seen like you have and maybe talk to a good muslim to tell you a little(or a bunch) about islam and think about converting and if you don’t want to at least don’t be mean and talk stuff about muslims on a muslim site i mean that’s not right)
Just stop, the fact that your coming an a MUSLIM web site and saying all this means you could be insecure about your religion and trying to put us down, well that won’t work it might just have the opposite effect. So some day in the future Islam will be the #1 Religion in the WORLD and show all of you ignorant people


i want to end my relationship with my boyfriend but at the same time i don’t want to hurt his feeling at the same time. i need help. what the the appropriate things to say.


I can understand how you don’t want to hurt his feelings. Assuming you are really serious with him, then what you may do depends on how much ready you are for your marriage.
1. If you are ready for marriage or are nearing that age, then talk to your parents and tell about him to them so you can be in a halal relation by being married.
2. If you are still a teen and maybe in your school or college, then maybe you should talk to him about it, however you can contact him. Tell him that relationships are haraam. Tell him that the real goal of life if not to please eachother but to please Allah swt! That you are trying to save yourself and him from the hell fire. Ask him if he would want to be in Jannah with you, and then explain how short this life is and its only an exam from our Lord.
Allah loves us the most, more than any body else. And should’nt we be loving him too? Thats True Love! Part of loving Him is to obey Him and do things that please Him. And if He has said relationships are haraam, then we must say as the quran says about pious muslims, ‘we hear and we obey’.
To have a happy and successful married life, one must start working on purifying him/herself from now. As the quran says, ‘The Good women are for the good men. And the good men are for good women.’
I am sure everyone wants a good spouse. So for that we need to make ourselves good.
Sister, he may or may not like what you tell him, but you have to do this. To show Allah that you love him more, more than your boyfriend. To show him that you don’t want to hurt Allah, your Creator by disobeying him, more than your boyfriend.
Anyways, before you tell him all this, supplicate to Allah and ask his help to do this, so that your boyfriend may also get guidance.
May Allah make it easy for you.

May Allah forgive me for anything wrong I may have said. For verily, whatever good was there in this was from Allah. and whatever evil was from myself.


its really awesome article
JazakAllah for sharing bro !!


“Don’t ask a guy how his infected toe is doing.” Seriously? It’s like I’m talking to a Haraaammm police.


but wat if we like the person…fall in love….get married to the same person,,,,,iss tht ok,,,,,,as i felll in love with my class m,ate and allhamdulilha,,,we r married with mashallh,,,two,,,,kids


sister It depends upon definition of Love in person eye…

For few Love is fun,
for few Love is Illigal Sex.
for few Love is time pass.

Islam is not saying that You can’t like a Person.If you like someone then send your parents or seniors to talk.

Islam don;t allow Love today’s type…Going outing,meeting alone with lover or even in room,etc etc etc..


Well said Brother King.


Hey King,


Best news I ever heard. Muslims women not touching men. Great then end of islam!!!!

If what you say is true why are there so many women meeting men?? and having bucket loads of kids??
Surely they are not all arranged marriages??
When will you lot progress to the 21st century? We have computors, mobile phones, motor vehicles etc etc now, not donkeys and carts.
That crap you promote here belongs in mad muhammad’s days 1400- years ago, not today. Just ask the younger generation how they feel.before you preach the rubbish promoted here.
By the way my muslim friends wife shook my hand when we met. was that haram?? I would like to tell her, so does not do it again.


Yes, that’s very true. Islam doesn’t permit men to touch any woman and women to touch any man unless they are bonded by the sacred bond of marriage. So what if it was revealed to us 1400 years ago?! Allah Almighty did not ask us to stop following it after 1400 years of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Don’t you see the goodness in it? In islam, a woman is a jewel and even more, to be protected and not to be displayed as an object who goes around letting men enjoy her touch. Its modesty and purity that islam teaches. So what if there are mobiles etc etc in today’s 21st century? It does’nt necessarily mean that with it we have to go against islam and its teachings.
If some men and women are doing all the wrong things. You cannot blame the religion for it. Its because they have been misguided. They lack the true knowledge of Islam. Why don’t you see the soo many others who follow such teachings? And I swear by Allah, in following such teachings only one can attain goodness, purity of heart, peacefullness of mind and much more.
What benefit do you see in women and men touching each other? It only causes shaytaan (satan-the devil) to get more chances to lead more and more men and women to the hellfire just so that he can fulfill his promise he made to Allah of straying mankind. And I am telling you, it was satan itself who is prompting you to go against such modest and pure teachings of Islam.
May Allah guide you and make you see the truth.


Thanks for your reply.
“modest & pure teachings of islam”?? that’s rich coming from a religion that is so “pure” that it promotes killing of innocent people on a daily basis by suicide bombings, killing women by stoning, cutting off limbs, flying planes into buildings, blowing up buses and trains, remember Bali? etc
Lady can you please prove to me about your comments of the existance of “hellfire” . Where did you get that crap from? has someone come back from the dead and told you that hell exists?? I must have missed it!!
By the way, I belive that man created gods not the other way round.


You need to watch what you say big mouth, don’t you dare judge our religion like this. So, I suggest you say something nice or keep silent.


Good to see your reaction.
Can you please let me know what I said that offends you so much??
All my comments are true no lies (all the atrocities islam allows are facts).
I also want muslims lot to tell me how you know of “hellfire” exists??
Lady my mouth is small compared to the muslim imams ,mullahs and that pedophile muham(mad) that preach crap to you gullible, braindead, brainwashed morons.


Aldo Sir, I suggest you look back to the recent comments I replied to you before and I suggest mind your language Mr. Big Mouth! you are completely wrong and you know that, considering this is an Islamic website you need to watch what you say. SO SHAME ON YOU AND IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


how you thik you are not brain washed ?


Yes, that’s very true. Islam doesn’t permit men to touch any woman and women to touch any man unless they are bonded by the sacred bond of marriage. So what if it was revealed to us 1400 years ago?! Allah Almighty did not ask us to stop following it after 1400 years of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Allah-willing, we shall keep following it Now and forever. Because our we do not wander on this earth blindly but we have an aim to fulfill, to obey and please our Loving and most Merciful Creator, Allah Almighty!
Don’t you see the goodness in it? In islam, a woman is a jewel and even more, to be protected and not to be displayed as an object who goes around letting men enjoy her touch. Its modesty and purity that islam teaches. So what if there are mobiles etc etc in today’s 21st century? It does’nt necessarily mean that with it we have to go against islam and its teachings.
If some men and women are doing all the wrong things. You cannot blame the religion for it. Its because they have been misguided. They lack the true knowledge of Islam. Why don’t you see the soo many others who follow such teachings? And I swear by Allah, in following such teachings only one can attain goodness, purity of heart, peacefullness of mind and much more.
What benefit do you see in women and men touching each other? It only causes shaytaan (satan-the devil) to get more chances to lead more and more men and women to the hellfire just so that he can fulfill his promise he made to Allah of straying mankind. And I am telling you, it was satan itself who is prompting you to go against such modest and pure teachings of Islam.
May Allah guide you and make you see the truth.


also, Allah-willing, we shall keep following our Religion Now and forever. Because we do not wander on this earth blindly but we have an aim to fulfill, to obey and please our Loving and most Merciful Creator, Allah Almighty!


Mashallah Sister……………

“Allah-willing, we shall keep following our Religion Now and forever. Because we do not wander on this earth blindly but we have an aim to fulfill, to obey and please our Loving and most Merciful Creator, Allah Almighty!” ………………..Good reply 😉 .. 🙂


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