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Happy New Islamic year 1433 Greeting Cards and Images

Posted on: November 27, 2011

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Happy New Islamic year 1433 Greeting Cards and Images

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9 Responses to "Happy New Islamic year 1433 Greeting Cards and Images"

“Khamoshi guftagu hae bezabani hae zaban meri”


salam happy new year of all musulman the world my one god keep all musulman


how email to anybody these card?


Why do they call it period of Mourning in Indian Subcontinent ? One learned person say that why we do not mourn 110000 Prophets of whom many were murdered according to Al Quran.


please forword all to my email address,thanks


please i also need the greeting cards


As you you’ve seen due the you tube video by vie w point of propaganda of Islam according the unbelievers,first knows how far their faith go what prophet says tomorrow ISLAM divided into 72 belief, which miss interpret which hardly for them to analyze specially for those who don’t have knowledge by not seeking knowledge.

When Prophet Mohammad S.A. W. says: Dont far from the Qur’an and Hadith of prohet mohammad S. A. W. you may not wrong your way /path or might not be astray.

Qur’An and Hadith of Prophet Moh.S. A. W.Due from Sahih. know will the right and legal hadith for our daily bases guide of Subhanallahu Taala.

Before distructing Islam study will first.From the true Miracles of Qur’an guide of Prophet Moh. S. A. W.

as what you’ve seen the play right now the are much themselves all from evil/demon/shaitan…When shaitan /black let them join… with my philosophy view for every individual much.however; every may cause as what you’ve seen/hear words which can utter your ear nor your eyes to protect them from unseen those only scare by the strategy of shaitan but for those brave enough they may not done.

Because they only fear Allah not by the shaitan strategy… the more the shaitan themselves will pursue. When Allah guide us to seek knowledge to refuge from the shatan which cause us harm.

Fear Allah wherever; we may be.
From legal term we use to aware right for safe but you don’t have right to say in front of person which cause insulting when you were not right nor matter you protect yourself from harm. Still circumstances nor committed sin when both guide us here after.

But people who trying do their best for destroy they pursue their diversion for their some sort of wrong bases.

Islam May not look what they feel wrong/emotion for committed sin.
Law of Islam/World. Did the right thing only and legal deeds.

When there will be consider for this when you consult the the right advise for preach and Sharia Law and Government Law. For both hereafter you may not committed.


Jis maheenay mae rasool (SAW) ki aal ko bhooka piyasa shaheed kiya ho, ussay aap Engraizon ki terha “Happy New year” keh k shuru kertay hain? Wah.. Subhanallah.


No sorry no comment……


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