ISLAM—World's Greatest Religion!

Hashim Amla Dont Wear Castle(Beer company) logo on his shirt

Posted on: October 13, 2011

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Hashim Amla Dont Wear Castle(Beer company) logo on his shirt 

Hashim Amla, the Muslim Protea who does not wear a Castle logo on his cricket shirt, on Sunday said that he did not pocket a cent from his match fee.

Nor did he profit from his share of money pooled from awards that the team won in Test matches.

But Amla, 26, a veteran of 38 Tests who was granted permission by South African Breweries and Cricket South Africa not to wear the Castle logos on his clothing in five-day matches, refused to comment further on wearing the sponsors’ logos and utilisation of earnings from Test matches.

Promoting beer is against the teaching of Islam and as such Amla became the first player to be the exception.

On Sunday the batsman referred the Daily News newspaper to his agent, Ismail Kajee, when he was asked to comment on his financial gains from Test matches.

Kajee categorically said: “Hashim does not and will not at any time in his career consume the earnings from Test matches.”

As a Muslim, Amla was forbidden liquor or to take interest money or gamble, Kajee said.

“Since Hashim is a devout Muslim, he understands his religion well, his beliefs are staunch and knows what is right and wrong. At the outset he made the decision not to wear the Castle logo on his clothing, which went public, and at the same time he also took the decision that the money earned from the Tests, sponsored by Castle, were forbidden for his use.

“The money has been given away – Islam teaches us to give it away without having to make a song and dance of it.”

Kajee, also a devout Muslim, said that he, too, did not derive a cent from Amla’s Test earnings.

“As an agent I do not take a commission from the revenue that Hashim earns in Test matches. The money earned from the Castle Tests is not pure, according to our Islamic beliefs, and as such I also am forbidden to use it,” he said.

“I cannot give you any figures as to how much Hashim has earned since his first Test for South Africa. It’s not something we are proud of – the money is dispensed as soon as it comes in.

“I think the bottom line is that everyone wants to know how much he takes from the Test matches, or have been keen to find out whether he uses money from the Castle Tests while not wearing their logos in matches. The questions are now answered well.”

Mohammed Moosajee, manager of the Proteas, and Goolam Rajah, the logistics manager, also do not personally pocket any money from the Castle Tests.

Moosajee and Rajah, like Amla, do not wear the Castle logos on their clothing during the five-day game. Moosajee, who referred the Daily News to Amla’s agent on Sunday, said: “We do not get any share of prize-money from the Castle Tests.”

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23 Responses to "Hashim Amla Dont Wear Castle(Beer company) logo on his shirt"

He is an inspiration for young n old alike…
we proud to be true Muslim like him…
my 2 yrs lil son name is Mohammad Hashim. .


in the leading of Hashim Amla south Africa ll win world cup of 2015…. Insha Allah..


Hashim u r great ,we all should follow him.


Hashim Amla is a very good player.He is a devoute follower of ISLAM and one of the good people on Earth and an an icon who has balanced his life between the worldly life and Akhirat


HASHIM AMLA!!!!!!!!!!! you rock


best person of cricket history allah bless u with big big record and both world


alhamdulilla my brother amla i never firgett u i am big fan u allaha aap ko kush rake


He must follow his religiön


I bet he gets some of his millions paid by Castle beer!!!!!


Mashallha. Ur the great muslim. Good xample 4 all the muslim. May allha grant u jannatul firdouse. Ameen.


he himself a honest and faithful islam member i m proud of amla may ALLAH tAKE him high to higher


S a Muslim,i feel pRoud when i c him.
bro Amla is a best exmple of Muslim.
May Allah help him to achieve the biggest records of cricket.


jazakala good 2 see such devout Muslims in this this world !!!!!


if any one noted imran tahir also dnt use castle label also imran tahir


That’s great..:)
why to support corruption.!
why to support alcoholism.?
every member of the team must forbid to wear castle logo t-shirt..


Masha allah. No other words to tell.


This is one of return to the ‘Label Muslims. Most of Pakistan players wear gold chain in their neck and hand. So, think who is real Muslim Player? one replay that bro Hashim Amla.


ASSALAMU ALAIKKUM dear brother hashim mohammed amla iraivan menmalum ungalai valuvadaiya seivanaha.


true muslim for this act ALLAH made his this world successive and INSHALLAH will make his the world that is to come (Akhirah)


This has been something great. And something more.

Mohammed Shayas M K


Hashim Amla Dont Wear Castle — Its true but on the other hand magority of the droug smmglers of the world’s is also muslims.


jazakallah bro hashim


Setting examples in these difficult times how to practice pure Islam. Appreciate the conviction of these brothers from South Africa. They know that they shall receive their rewards from The Creator. Ameen


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