ISLAM—World's Greatest Religion!

Fake & Anti Islamic Site List :: Updated !

Posted on: July 25, 2009

Fake & Anti Islamic Site List :: Updated !

Dear Brother and Sisters,

Today I Updated the list of Fake and AntiIslamic Site List ! please take a look and please don’t visit those site! your visit will give good result,site status will improove! and the material will surely hurt you! so please don’t visit those sites !

Please If you have any site which is not listed in our list,please share with us,

Inshah Allah,Almighty Allah will reward you with his finest blessings !

Please don’t IGNORE ! If you found,send me immediatly !

Allah Hafiz,


slave of ALLAH!

7 Responses to "Fake & Anti Islamic Site List :: Updated !"

MR GUARD, you will see when the TIME comes and when Allah (THE ONLY CREATOR OF THIS WORLD) inflicts his wrath upon u…

These earthquakes and tsunamis will not be enuff for u, for if u join partners with Allah and curse the HOLY QURAN and PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM) then definitely then definitely there will be PISS BE UPON *YOU!!* and all ISLAM teaches is peace so I will not fight over this… All I will say is May Allah guide u to the right path .. BY Allah you will be reep in the hereafter wat u sow in this world.. the day will come SOON ,




there is a great software in internet that block all anti-islamic websites in all computers, and can be downloaded at
it also block porn, nudity, alcohol, has monitoring, setup internet acces time etc… try it in this way young people would not be confused and sold lies


Mr. Nice It Is Clearly Mention In Our Holy Book (Quran) About God Almightly (Allah) in Chapter Number 114 (Surah Ikhlas in Arabic,Meaning Purity) That.

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.


In the koran is the concept of al-takkia. supposedly Lucifer’s grant to all moslems the RIGHT TO LIE TO DEFEND THEIR FAITH. In other words, anything that comes out of a moslem’s mouth is a lie. mohammed(piss be upon him) was the king of bandits/thugs/rapists/pedophiles, The worst piece of shit that ever walked this planet. what a fuckin perverted bunch of garbage the fuckin koran is, and anybody following it is a criminal that needs the shit beaten out of. mohammed’s wife was a 9 year old child. he allows fathers to attain pleasure between his newborns thighs. he was poisoned by a Jewish woman, God bless her soul, which is why these child-molesting, incestious pigs hate Jews. So, to all moslems everywhere : WATCH OUT MUTHAFEKKERS, HERE COMES THE CRUSADES IN THEIR FINAL SWOOP TO WIPE EVERYONE OF YOU OUT.


Wasn’t Allah the moon god that had 3 daughters, and that was part of Muhammed’s tribal worship? Didn’t he also steal his religion from Christians and Jews and try to create a new book that neither of them believed, then tried to kill them when they didn’t? Is that the same guy?


wal yazubillai
who has fed to you such great lies ?
first of all Allah (swt) is the one and only omnipotent selfsufficient creator of all that is in the heavens and the earth and is free from all that u have attributed to him, secondly muhammed (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had nothing to do with tribal worship and he only worshiped the one true creator, the religion of islam is the succession of the teachings of Moses and Jesus Christ (may peace be upon him) and not a copy of these religions, the Quran was not created by Muhammad (saw) but is a direct revelation from Allah.
Please i employ you to study your history before you make such outrageous accusations because it seems that you have been greatly misinformed about Islam
and to your last question NO he is not that guy


In the koran is the concept of al-takkia. supposedly Lucifer’s grant to all moslems the RIGHT TO LIE TO DEFEND THEIR FAITH. In other words, anything that comes out of a moslem’s mouth is a lie. mohammed(piss be upon him) was the king of bandits/thugs/rapists/pedophiles, The worst piece of shit that ever walked this planet. what a fuckin perverted bunch of garbage the fuckin koran is, and anybody following it is a criminal that needs the shit beaten out of. mohammed’s wife was a 9 year old child. he allows fathers to attain pleasure between his newborns thighs. he was poisoned by a Jewish woman, God bless her soul, which is why these child-molesting, incestious pigs hate Jews. So, to all moslems everywhere : WATCH OUT MUTHAFEKKERS, HERE COMES THE CRUSADES IN THEIR FINAL SWOOP TO WIPE EVERYONE OF YOU OUT.


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