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Holy Kaaba Washed – 2010

Posted on: July 15, 2010

In The name of Allah,The Most Merciful,The Most gracious

Holy Kaaba Washed

MAKKAH: Governor of Makkah Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, on behalf of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, washed the Kaaba on 14-July-2010.

A number of Muslim scholars, government officials, dignitaries and diplomats attended the event, which takes place twice a year on the 15th of Shabaan (the month preceding the fasting month of Ramadan) and in mid-Muharram (the month after Dhul Hijjah when Muslims perform Haj).

The House of God is given a new Kiswa (covering) on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah when pilgrims proceed to Arafat for the main event of the Haj.

The washing ritual of the Kaaba begins with the performance of two raka’hs inside the cuboidal structure. The interior walls will then be cleaned with rose, oud and musk perfumes using white cloth. Zamzam water mixed with rose perfume will then be splashed on the floor and then wiped with bare hands and palm leaves.

Before entering the Kaaba to do the washing, Prince Khaled circumambulated the Kaaba seven times (Tawaf) during which he will touch the Black Stone. He will then receive the key to the Kaaba presented in a bag made of green velvet from its custodian (Bani Shayba). On entering the House of God, the prince will perform two raka’hs on a marble sheet, the spot where it is believed that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prayed.

The washing ceremony began after the guests have exited. The marble floor and the walls were washed with Zamzam water mixed with rose perfume.

After the cleaning, the floor and the walls were dried again with white cloth and tissues. The walls are then perfumed using large quantities of oud and rose perfume. The Kaaba was then be incensed.

The Kaaba is 14 meters high from the eastern side, 12.11 meters from the western and southern sides, and 11.28 meters from the northern side. Its inside floor is laid with colored marble. Its ceilings are supported by three wooden columns, each with a diameter of 44 cm.

The structure has two ceilings, a lower one and an upper one. Its inside walls are covered with curtains made of green velvet that are changed once every three years. The top of the upper roof has a vent, which is 127 cm long and 104 cm wide to allow sunlight to enter. This vent is covered with strengthened glass and is opened during the washing ceremony. The vent can be reached via a glass staircase of 50 steps.

The door of the Kaaba is made of wood and covered with 280 kg of pure gold. It is 310 cm in height and 190 cm in width. The length of the Kaaba’s key is 40 cm. The door is erected 225 cm above ground level.

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3 Responses to "Holy Kaaba Washed – 2010"

Very Informative.Thanks.


MashaAllah… Alhumdolillah!! My Parents were right there in front of the Kaaba, when it was washed on 1st Shabaan this year!! Its Allah’s grace.. people were as if in tears at the sight of the Kaaba’s door being opened and seeing the noor that reflected from inside the Kaaba….!! And my father said that lots of pigeons suddenly came out of nowhere and started doing tawaaf round the Kaaba!



Mashallah, I feel so elated to know so much about the House of Allah. Thank you for sharing!

Jazakallah Khairan.


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