ISLAM—World's Greatest Religion!

O Allah Please Forgive Me

Posted on: July 15, 2009

O Allah Please Forgive Me

O Allah, O Karim,

Please have Mercy on me.

O Allah, O Karim,

Please forgive me


for the sins I committed in the past

and those I will commit in the future.

O Allah,

have Mercy on all the Muslimeen,

and guide them.

Guide me O Allah,

and guide my parents,

my siblings, my cousins,

my aunts and uncles,

my nephews and nieces and so forth.

O Allah,

I ask You

to strengthen my iman and those around me.

I ask You to soften my heart

and to soften the hearts of the Believers.

O Allah,

forgive me for my shortcomings,

for only You are Perfect.

O Allah,

Please Forgive me

if I ever got too wrapped in a matter

that I didn’t have the time to utter Your Name.

O Allah,

Please Forgive me for all the salat I missed

because of ignorance or laziness,

Please Forgive me for all the fasts I didn’t make up,

thinking it was “alright, since I fasted most of the days anyway.”

O Allah,

Please Forgive me

for the quarter I never dropped

into the metal cup for the homeless man begging on the street.

O Allah,

Please spark the love of Islam in my heart

and in the hearts of every single Muslim

until it gets implanted in their children

and their childern’s children and so on.

O Allah,

I ask that You help me for I am weak

and will only grow stronger by Your Strength,

so Allah Please Strengthen me

to fight Shaitan and his whispers.

And if I ever fell into his trap

and followed my desire,

then sincerely forgive me,

for that displays not only my weakness,

but Your Greatness as well.

O Allah, Please lighten the punishment in the grave

for those before us and those after us.

Please Allah, lighten the punishment

and please shed light into every Muslim’s grave.

O Allah, if I ever was too afraid

to stand up for Your Deen

because of what others would think,

then Forgive me, for I was a fool for doing so.

O Allah, Please Protect me and each Musilman,

and Protect especially the orphans and the widows.

O Allah, Please Strengthen the faith

of the destitute Muslims around the world,

so they have hope to live.

O Allah, if I ever forgot to do du’a

for even one suffering Muslim,

then Forgive me

for then it is as if I haven’t done du’a

for the entire ummah.

O Allah,

Please be the Light of my eyes, ears and heart.

O Allah,

Please be the Light on the sides of me

and the Light behind me

and the light in front of me.

O Allah, Please Forgive me

for all the foul words I spoke

either out of ignorance or

because I was trying to be “cool.”

O Allah, please forgive me

if I never stopped to think about You,

due to “other important things.”

O Allah, Please Forgive me

for not having enough time

or creating time for reading the Qur’an.

O Allah, Please Forgive me

for listening to music

and watching movies and t.v.

O Allah, please forgive me

for all the yelling I’ve done

and the arguments I’ve been in.

For the only time

the voice should be raised

is for Your Praises!

O Allah, Please Forgive me

for my disrespect towards my family,

elders, siblings and so on.

O Allah, Please Forgive me

for any backbiting I have been accused of,

whether I did it consciously or unconsciously.

O Allah, Rab al-Alamin,

Forgive me,

Forgive me for everything.

So for everyone,

every single Muslim,

dead or alive,

I do du’a that you forgive them

for all their sins.

O Allah,

Please Please Please

help the suffering Muslims

of Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya,

Bosnia, Gujarat, Nigeria,

Iraq, Afghanistan and everywhere around the world.

Please O Allah, make the Mujahideen victorious,

and let the beauty of Islam reign!

O Allah, Give victory to the Muslims!

O Allah, Please let True Islam reign!

O Allah, Please increase our knowledge

of Your Deen and this world.

Oh Allah, Please Help us all and guide us,

for You are Everything to us.

O Allah,

I cannot stress how much I ask

for Your Forgiveness and Your Guidance.

O Allah,

I fear You,

I fear You soooo much words cannot describe.

I fear the day when I will meet You,

and I WILL meet You.

When we are one on one,

and I have no one’s help or support.

No-one can take the blame for me

nor I for them.

The only thing I will have

is a little book given to me by You

that has my deeds.

O Allah,

Please Forgive me for my thoughts,

for even though I get sinned only for my actions,

I cannot help but feel guilty for my thoughts

and I ask You to Forgive me for them

and to clear my mind of any impurities

until You become the Only thing on my mind.

O Allah,

Please Forgive me

if I ever did anything out of gain

for this life and not for Your pleasure.

If I ever did anything to “show off”

then Please Forgive me for that.

O Allah,

I do du’a

that You grant us all God-Fearing spouses

and grant us righteous children.

Oh Allah,

I do du’a

that You continue to strengthen this ummah

until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah,

Forgive me

for whatever I have not mentioned,

for I am bound to forget

….but You,

through Your Greatness…

You Never Forget.

O Allah,

Please Grant

all the Muslims


O Allah,

I ask that You shed Your Mercy

on all the Prophets (peace be upon them)

and on all the Angels (peace be upon them).

Lastly, I do du’a

You shed Your Mercy

on the Prophet Muhammad ,

his family and companions.

I do du’a

that you grant Muhammad

the Highest Station in Paradise.

Rabinna Aataina

Fiduniya Hasinathow

Wa Fil Akhirati Hasinathow,

Wakina Adhab innaar





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20 Responses to "O Allah Please Forgive Me"

Think every one should say it we all commit sins an should
ask for Allah forgivnes I loved it


Oh! Masha Allah, Masha Allah!….Very lovely Du’a Mashallah!, Ameen, Ameen, Ameen Ya Rab Al-Alameen!!!


Ameen, Ameen, Ameen!


ammmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen,enshallla u will successfull and God forgive all of us,please pry for me i’m afraid if God dont 4give me for these wrong things i have done….GOD please 4give me i know i’m bad:'(




this is the bestttttttt dua ever!!!



our uncountable sins and shortcomings YA RABB are nothing compared to MERCY.YOUR MERCY is far much more.I and every muslim are saying sincerely from deep down our hearts “we love you,your rasuul(s.a.w) and all that you love..for that forgive us, guide us,bring back our izzah and love us till we meet YOU.aameen aameen aameen.jazakumullahu khayra ikhwati fillah



I wish all sucess in your bith life duniya & akirat.


Ameen , summa Ameen , such a beatiful dua a mumin did for all of us.
but do remember in your prayers by taking my name : shabber in you duas.
because i am truley very bad person and i want to come out from all sins which i did in hidden and visible .
plz plz plz all muslims do remember in your prayer to ” forgive my major & minor sin , hidden & visible sin”

“”” once again to all my muslim brothers & sisters do pray for me , i want to come out from few sins and i unable to do it . may be allah subhana taala will listen your words and forgive me”””


Summa Ameen may Allah guide me too


summ ameen may Allah guide me to


ameen may Allah guide me tooo


Ameen ya rabi


and aslam o alikum to all
i m ali and i m a muslim
how are you pls tell me on my mail
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MASHA’ALLAH… may Allah give you more strength to serve DEEN-E-HANIF..Ameen




mash’allah, this is a beautiful dua’a


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