ISLAM—World's Greatest Religion!

Kaaba Structure Pictures ! The House of Allah !

Posted on: August 9, 2008

Kaaba Structure Pictures ! The House of Allah !

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Kind

These picture are very rare information about Kaaba.






Kaaba is covered with Black Cloth,known as Kiswa.

click here to view making of kiswa…


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13 Responses to "Kaaba Structure Pictures ! The House of Allah !"

[…] The Ka’ba is the first Islamic house of God and is the hub of all other Muslim mosques. It pronounces a commitment to Islamic faith and an individual is subject to ritual obligations to that faith, with the law and the observance of the ‘Five Pillars’. The first pillar is the ‘Shaháda (the teaching of Islam) at the centre then the other four; salát is prayer which must take place five times a day facing Mecca, siyám is fasting during the month of Ramadan, zakat is payment of tax for the poor and hajj is the pilgrimage to the Ka’ba which one is expected to take at least once in one’s life time. It is a cube shape building situated in the heart of Mecca in central Saudi Arabia, Muhammad’s birth place (see fig.1). The Quran states that it was originally built by Abraham (Ibrahim) and his son Ishmael (Ismail). It houses the sacred ‘Black Stone’ thought to be a meteor that was allegedly found by Abraham (Ibrahim) and Ishmael (Ismail) when looking for stones to build the Ka’ba. The ‘baraka’ is the spiritual force that emulates from any sacred object and the object being in the Ka’ba’s case, the ‘Black Stone’ (Smart, 1992). Figure .2 Author unknown,2008. The House of Allah ! Ka’ba, Structure Picture. Size unknown Islam the Most Greatest Religion. Reproduced by King Slave of Allah. (accessed April 7th 2014) […]


best is this


I Love allah so much


This is the first time that i’m seeing the structure of the Kaaba Shareef, the House of Allah Almighty.


subhan allah


i love allah


[…] Originally Posted by Ni_Diambo That makes sense. But consider this: Using the line as an axle, you could rotate (stretch on one side and compress on the other, while widening or narrowing on the sides) the smaller circle around the globe. As I mentioned earlier, by this, you could, theoretically generate an infinite number of circles (or ellipses?), all axled on the Mecca-Mo_4 Axis. And with this, an infinite new set of possible prayer conduits. So, as I mentioned earlier, if Mo_4 is locked onto the smaller circle, facing what he believes is the direction to Mecca, he can be swiveled anywhere from 0 to 360 degrees and still be on a circle (or ellipse) that includes Mecca. So my theory has been validated. As long as you are upon the face of the earth, you can face ANY HORIZONTAL DIRECTION and still be facing Mecca (or Kabul, or Havana or even Lokichoggio.) I hope that this will help you:Kaaba Structure Pictures ! The House of Allah ! ISLAM—World’s Greatest Religion! […]


REALLY LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


mashallah jitni bhi tarif karo kam hai \iam an indian aur hamare sabhi indians ku kaaba ke deedar ho ameen summa ameen


[…] Originally Posted by Ni_Diambo That makes sense. But consider this: Using the line as an axle, you could rotate (stretch on one side and compress on the other, while widening or narrowing on the sides) the smaller circle around the globe. As I mentioned earlier, by this, you could, theoretically generate an infinite number of circles (or ellipses?), all axled on the Mecca-Mo_4 Axis. And with this, an infinite new set of possible prayer conduits. So, as I mentioned earlier, if Mo_4 is locked onto the smaller circle, facing what he believes is the direction to Mecca, he can be swiveled anywhere from 0 to 360 degrees and still be on a circle (or ellipse) that includes Mecca. So my theory has been validated. As long as you are upon the face of the earth, you can face ANY HORIZONTAL DIRECTION and still be facing Mecca (or Kabul, or Havana or even Lokichoggio.) I hope that this will help you:Kaaba Structure Pictures ! The House of Allah ! ISLAM—World’s Greatest Religion! […]


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